Using a comma to link two clauses is a common mistake which is called ________.
comma fault
run-on sentence
sentence fragment
【判断题】 The coordinate clauses can be joined with a comma.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Which sentence is correct?
①  Afer finishing her composition, she took up the translation exercise.
②  Afer finishing her composition, the translation exercise was taken up.
【单选题】 Which sentence is correct?
①  Hurrying to the classroom, no one was there.
②  Hurrying to the classroom, she saw nobody there.
【单选题】 Which sentence is correct?
①  To look at a map, the importance of this new railway will be seen.
②  You have only to look at a map to see the importance of this new railway.
【单选题】 Which sentence is correct?
①  On entering the classroom, the students stood up and said, Good morning!
②  On entering the classroom, the teacher was greeted by the students with Good morning!
【单选题】 Which sentence is correct?
①  Returning home from work, he saw supper waiting for him in the kitchen.
②  Returning home after work, supper was waiting for him in the kitchen.
【单选题】 Which sentence is right?
①  I dont think that he is not right.
②  I think he is not right.
③  I dont think that he is right.
④  I think he was not right.
【单选题】 When their party came back to the camp site, ours arrrived two hours earlier. Identify the mistake in the sentence.
①  When
②  ours
③  arrived
④  earlier
【单选题】 12.Which sentence is right?
①  I don’t think that he is not right.
②  I think he is not right.
③  I don’t think that he is right.
④  I think he was not right.
【判断题】 The semicolon is used between two coordinate clauses which are not linked by a conjunction.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 当杆件的应力不超过某一限度时,应力与应变成正比。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 约束反力的方向总是与所能限制的物体运动趋势方向相反。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 平面一般力系的简化结果一般是()
①  一个力和一个力偶
③  力偶
④  不确定
【多选题】 市场撇脂最大化定价目标适用的条件是( )。
①  初始的高价未能吸引更多的竞争者入场
②  高价有助于树立优质产品的形象
③  市场是价格敏感型的,因而低价能有效刺激销售增长
④  消费者的人数足以构成当前的需要
⑤  小批量生产的单位成本没有高到无法从交易中获得好处的程度
【多选题】 生产者在下列哪种情况下不对消费者负责赔偿?( )
①  消费者从销售者处购买的化妆品不具有包装上标明的使用效果
②  某人从生产者处盗窃其开发中的高压锅样品在使用时被炸伤
③  因销售者贮存不当致使药品变质而使某患者服药后过敏
④  消费者使用产品后发生不适但现在科学技术无法证明产品与不适之间的关系
⑤  消费者从销售者处购买的特价商品
【单选题】 市场管理关系应该由 调整
①  民法
②  商法
③  经济法
④  公司法
【单选题】 .根据民事诉讼法律制度的规定下列法院中对公路运输合同纠纷案件不享有管辖权的是
①  原告住所地法院
②  被告住所地法院
③  运输目的地法院
④  运输始发地法院
【多选题】 甲从国外低价购得一项未获当地政府批准销售的专利产品“近视治疗仪”。甲将产品样品和技术资料提交给我国X市卫生局指定的医疗产品检验机构。该机构未做任何检验按照甲书写的文稿出具了该产品的检验合格报告。随后该市退休医师协会的秘书长乙又以该协会的名义出具了该产品的质量保证书。该产品投入市场后连续造成多起青少年因使用该产品致眼睛严重受损的事件。现除要求追究甲的刑事责任外受害者还可以采取哪些民事补救方法?( )
①  要求甲承担损害赔偿责任
②  要求该卫生局承担赔偿责任
③  要求该检验机构承担连带赔偿责任
④  要求该退休医师协会承担连带赔偿责任
⑤  要求该卫生局的上级机关承担连带赔偿责任
【单选题】 被各国法学家公认为现代竞争法标志的是
①  美国的《谢尔曼法》
②  匈牙利的《反不竞争法》
③  德国的《发不竞争法》
④  我国台湾地区的《公平交易法》
【单选题】 乙农资公司向甲化肥厂购买尿素(属国家定价产品)合同约定每吨2300元交货日期为某年2月28日前。在当年3月1日国家将尿素价格调整为每吨2500元。甲于3月3日交货。乙应当按每吨
①  2300元  
②  2500元  
③  2300元和2500元中间价  
④  再协商定价