We can be sure of this: []no little green men live on Pulsar.
【单选题】 ____ there is little we can do to modify the weather, we can at least know what kind of weather to expect.
①  Since
②  When
③  While
④  Unless
【单选题】 The earth on[填空] we live is a planet.
①  which?
②  where
③  when
④  whose
【单选题】 Which of the following did the Sad Young Men enjoy?
①  the Babbitts
②  Victorian gentility
③  Bohemianism and eccentricity
④  The hypocritical do-goodism of Prohibition
【单选题】 ____ we could not live at all.
①  If it was not for the sun
②  If it shouldn’t be for the sun
③  Were it not for the sun
④  Had it not been for the sun
【单选题】 We are planning an outing. _________ Sure.
①  Where are you going?
②  When will you leave?
③  How is everything?
④  Do you want to join us?
【单选题】 Air is very important, _________ we cannot live any more.
①  without that
②  no which
③  where
④  without which
【单选题】 They live in a house whose door[填空]which opens to the south.
①  for
②  of
③  in
④  with
【单选题】 We are interested in the weather because it __________ us so directly --- what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.
①  benefits
②  affects
③  guides
④  effects
【单选题】 What does the falling intonation on the question “where do you live ?” indicate?
①  I am telling you something you do not know
②  I have not finished yet
③  I am asking a genuine question
④  I know you have told me before.
【单选题】 Now that we’ve ____, can we come to a decision?
①  thought over
②  thought of
③  thought through
④  thought about
【简答题】 曲线Y=x2-x在点(1,0)处的切线斜率为[填空]
【简答题】 曲线y=x+cosx在点(0,1)处的切线的斜率k=[填空]
【简答题】 设y=sin(x+2),则Y=[填空]
【简答题】 过点M(1,2,3)且与平面2x—Y+z=0平行的平面方程为[填空]
【简答题】 设y=x3+2,则y=[填空]
【简答题】 设z=x2-y,则dz=[填空]
【简答题】 过原点(0,0,0)且垂直于向量(1,1,1)的平面方程为[填空]
【简答题】 空间点p(-1,2,-3)到xoy平面的距离为[填空]
【判断题】 对任意事件A和B,必有P(AB)=P(A)P(B)
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 收敛的数列必有界
①  正确
②  错误