I had to complete the assignment by Friday [] otherwise, I would have failed the course.
【单选题】 If I had remembered __________ the window, the thief would not have got in.
①  to close
②  closing
③  to have closed
④  having closed
【单选题】 Unbelievable! I have failed my final exam for mathematics!____________
①  Good luck.
②  Cheer up.
③  Go ahead.
④  No problem.
【判断题】 A: Do you have the time? B: Of course, I have.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A: I have failed. I dont know why I did so badly. B: Thats all right.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 8. ____ I realized the consequences, I would never have contemplated getting involved..
①  Had
②  If
③  When
④  Unless
【单选题】 A: Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again! B: [填空]. This is not the end of the world.
①  Good job
②  Cheer up
③  Go ahead
④  Thats a pity
【单选题】 If I had had enough time, I __________ it well.
①  would do
②  would have done
【单选题】 Mary is one of the best friend _____________ I have ever had.
①  that
②  whom
【单选题】 Tom: It’s the most delicious fruit I have had a long time.
①  I’m so glad you like it.
②  You are not hungry now.
③  I like eating this fruit, too.
④  You should like it.
【单选题】 The sandwhich course, [填空]I have been on for a week ,is really excellent.
①  which
②  that
③  whose
④  who
【多选题】 高速公路沥混凝土路面压实度标准值是______。
①  试验室标准密度的96%
②  试验室标准密度的97%
③  试验段密度的98%
④  最大理论密度的92%
【判断题】 沥青针入度的试验结果不仅可以评价沥青的黏稠性,并用来划分沥青标号,还可评价沥青的温度敏感性。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 粘性土在最佳含水量下最容易压实。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 落锤式弯沉仪测量弯沉的方法属于动态法。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 固体体积率与压实质量有关而与集料的级配无关。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 半刚性基层材料强度是指试件的无侧限抗压强度。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 一级公路的保证率比二级公路的小,三级公路又比二级公路的小,依此类推。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 对半刚性基层沥青路面的面层作弯沉检测时,可以采用5.4m的贝克曼梁,也可以采用3.6m的贝克曼梁,但前者需进行支点修正。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 国际平整度指标IRI是衡量路面行驶舒适性或路面行驶质量的指标。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 中线偏位是指公路中线的实际位置与设计位置之间的偏移量。()
①  正确
②  错误