In an English letter, the complimentary close like yours, or Yours Sincerely is put below the signature.
【单选题】 A complimentary close is put [] your signature.
①  before
②  after
【判断题】 The complimentary close in the formal style includes Yours Truly, Respectfully yours.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Yours Sincerely is called [].
①  greeting
②  date
③  complimentary close
【单选题】 My command of English is not ____ yours.
①  ashalfas
②  sohalfgoodas
③  goodashalfas
④  goodashalfas
【判断题】 In an English letter, the date is usually put at the upper right corner.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 My problems are very ____ to yours.
①  alike
②  like
③  same
④  similar
【单选题】 My problems are very ____ to yours.
①  alike
②  like
③  same
④  similar
【单选题】 18.Hers is _____ as yours.
①  report as good
②  a such good report
③  as good a report
④  so good report
【单选题】 The furniture in his room is quite different __________ in yours.
①  from those
②  from that
③  from that one
④  from those ones
【多选题】 _____________ , her paper (论文) is of greater value than yours.
①  If all things considered
②  If all things are considered
③  AIl things considered
④  AIl things are considered
【单选题】 窗体上画一个名为Command1的命令按钮,然后编写以下程序: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim m(10) As Integer For k = 1 To 10 m(k) = 12 - k Next k x = 8 Print m(2 + m(x)) End Sub 运行程序,单击命令按钮,在窗体上显示的是 。
①  6
②  5
③  7
④  8
【单选题】 用语句Dim A(-3 To 5) As Long定义的数组元素个数是( )。
①  7
②  8
③  9
④  10
【单选题】 下列结构中不属于分支结构的是( )。
①  If/End If
②  If/Else/End If
③  With/End With
④  Select Case/End Select
【单选题】 下列程序段的循环结构执行后,i的输出值是_______。 Dim y as Integer For i = 1 To 10 Step 2 y = y + i Next i Print i
①  25
②  10
③  11
④  因为y初值不知道,所以不确定
【单选题】 若x=1,执行语句If x<>0 Then x = 0 Else x = 1的结果是( )。
①  实时错误
②  编译错误
③  x=1
④  x=0
【单选题】 可以同时删除字符串前导和尾部空格的函数是( )。
①  Ltrim
②  Rtrim
③  Trim
④  Mid
【单选题】 下列逻辑表达式中,其值为True的是 ( )。
①  “b” > “ABC”
②  “THAT” > “THE”
③  9 > “H”
④  “A” > “a”
【单选题】 已知A=”12345678”,则表达式Val(Left(a, 4) + Mid(a, 4, 2))的值是( )。
①  123456
②  123445
③  8
④  6
【单选题】 若要将窗体隐藏起来,则实现的方法为 ( )。
①  Hide
②  UnLoad
③  Show
④  WindowState
【单选题】 在Visual Basic中最基本的对象是( ) ,它是应用程序的基石,也是其他控件的容器。
①  文本框
②  命令按钮
③  窗体
④  标签