The complimentary close in the formal style includes Yours Truly, Respectfully yours.
【判断题】 In an English letter, the complimentary close like yours, or Yours Sincerely is put below the signature.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 My problems are very ____ to yours.
①  alike
②  like
③  same
④  similar
【单选题】 My command of English is not ____ yours.
①  ashalfas
②  sohalfgoodas
③  goodashalfas
④  goodashalfas
【单选题】 18.Hers is _____ as yours.
①  report as good
②  a such good report
③  as good a report
④  so good report
【单选题】 My problems are very ____ to yours.
①  alike
②  like
③  same
④  similar
【单选题】 The furniture in his room is quite different __________ in yours.
①  from those
②  from that
③  from that one
④  from those ones
【多选题】 _____________ , her paper (论文) is of greater value than yours.
①  If all things considered
②  If all things are considered
③  AIl things considered
④  AIl things are considered
【单选题】 My answer is different from yours. I_________ with you.
①  disagree
②  dislike
③  disconnect
④  discover
【单选题】 Yours Sincerely is called [].
①  greeting
②  date
③  complimentary close
【单选题】 A complimentary close is put [] your signature.
①  before
②  after
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【单选题】 人防护装备指用于保护人员避免接触感染性因子的各种屏障用品,下列不属于呼吸道及眼防护用具的是( )
【单选题】 根据所在区域、拟开展的诊疗风险综合评估,下列选项中,属于中等风险的行为是( )
【单选题】 关于新型冠状病毒,下列说法正确的是( )
【单选题】 疾病预防控制机构发现传染病疫情或接到传染病疫情报告时,应当及时采取的措施包括( )
【单选题】 支气管灌洗液的采集,应将收集器头部从鼻孔或气管插口处插入气管约( )深处,注入适量生理盐水,接通负压,旋转收集器头部并缓慢退出