4.He was working on a children’s book______ Limericks.
【单选题】 11.Since family ______children’s character, he encouraged parents to teach children reading.
①  formed
②  shaped
③  built
④  made
【单选题】 ___the rain ,he went on working in the garden.
①  In addition to
②  In spite of
③  Except for
【单选题】 Is that book ______ he borrowed on Friday?
①  that
②  which
③  the one
④  who
【单选题】 It was not until he arrived in class _____ realized he had forgotten his book.
①  when he
②  that he
③  and he
④  he
【单选题】 He____________ working as if nothing had happened.
①  continue
②  continues
③  continuing
④  continued
【单选题】 He _______ working before 6 o’clock.
①  usually has finished
②  has usually finished
③  usually finished
【单选题】 He wrote the book in ____ with his wife.
①  proportion
②  installment
③  correspondence
④  collaboration
【单选题】 Because he hadnt finished his assignment, so he continued working in the classroom. Is this a complete sentence?
①  Yes
②  No
【单选题】 he children  ()  many times not to play with fire.
①  told
②  have told
③  have been told
④  are being told
【单选题】 Tom is hard-working, so its _____________ that he won the match.
①  no wonder
②  a pity
③  a surprise
④  a mystery
【单选题】 在屋架的平面布置中,不能采用的布置方式是:( )
①  正反横向布置
②  斜向布置
③  正反斜向布置
④  正反纵向布置
【单选题】 吊屋架时采用横吊梁的主要目的是:( )
①  减小起重高度
②  防止屋架上弦压坏
③  减小吊索拉力
④  保证吊装安全
【单选题】 吊车梁的吊装必须待柱杯口二次浇筑混凝土达到设计强度的:( )
①  50%
②  40%
③  20%
④  75%
【单选题】 柱斜向布置中三点共弧是指( )三者共弧。
①  停机点、杯形基础中心点、柱脚中心
②  柱绑扎点、停机点、杯形基础中心点
③  柱绑扎点、柱脚中心、停机点
④  柱绑扎点、杯形基础中心点、柱脚中心
【单选题】 构件吊装前其混凝土强度应符合设计要求,设计未规定时,应达到设计强度标准值的( )以上。
①  50%
②  75%
③  90%
④  100%
【单选题】 综合吊装法的特点有:( )
①  生产效率高
②  平面布置较简单
③  构件校正容易
④  开行路线短
【单选题】 结构安装工程施工的特点不正确的是:( )
①  构件类型多
②  质量影响大
③  受力变化简单
④  高空作业多
【单选题】 在具体选用起重机的型号时,应考虑的工作参数是:( )
①  起升荷载
②  起升高度
③  工作幅度
④  全选
【单选题】 柱子在安装之前应在柱身三面弹出:( )
①  安装中心线
②  几何中心线
③  安装准线
④  轴线
【单选题】 某构件自重为50KN,索具为3KN,配重为7KN,则起重机的起重量应大于:( )
①  50KN
②  53KN
③  60KN
④  57KN