26.The meeting was put off because we ________ a meeting without John.
objected having
were objected to having
objected to have
objected to having
【单选题】 The suggestion they all objected to __________ very effective finally.
①  proved
②  proving
③  prove
④  to prove
【单选题】 The suggestion they all objected to __________ very effective finally.
①  proved
②  prove
③  proving
④  to prove
【单选题】 Her parents objected to ____ that farmer, though he has a lot of money.?
①  her marrying ?
②  marrying ?
③  marry ?
④  her marrying with?
【单选题】 When we were having a party, the host _______ the bad news.
①  was telling
②  was told
③  could tell
【单选题】 —She may not be free today.—________, well have to put the meeting off.
①  If may
②  If not
③  If she may not
④  If she may
【单选题】 —She may not be free today.—________, well have to put the meeting off.
①  If may
②  If not
③  If she may not
④  If she may not be free today
【单选题】 The family were having dinner when the ______ buzzer of the door sounded.
①  quiet@muted
②  silent
③  low
【单选题】 Having plenty of time, ____.
①  we needn’t to have hurried
②  there was no need for us to hurry
③  we didn’t need to hurry
④  hurrying was not necessary
【单选题】 The sports meeting was put off till the next week ______ rain.
①  in spite of
②  so
③  because
④  because of
【单选题】 Having no money but _______ to know, he simply said he would go without dinner.
①  not to want anyone
②  not wanting anyone
③  wanted no one
④  to want no one
【判断题】 全面推进依法治国,总抓手是建设中国特色社会主义法治体系,建设社会主义法治国家。。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 我国有专门的行政法典。。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在市场经济条件的执法上,我国政府管理完全不会出现手段简单粗暴。。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 全面推进依法治国的总目标是建设中国特色社会主义法治体系。。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 我国从2016年开始,将每年的12月4日定为国家宪法日。。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 根据本讲,()首次提出“依法行政”。。
①  1993年政府工作报告
②  1995年政府工作报告
③  1997年十五大报告
④  十八届三中全会
【单选题】 根据本讲,假设每个人都是经济人,其对应的原理是()。。
①  利益最大化
②  成本最大化
③  供求原理
④  等价交换
【单选题】 根据本讲,法治理念最早存在于()时期。。
①  古罗马
②  古希腊
③  古印度
④  中国古代
【单选题】 根据本讲,完备的法律法规体系是()。。
①  法律实施的环境
②  基本遵循
③  监督约束公权力
④  备案
【单选题】 根据本讲,十八大以后我国制定修订的中央党内法规超过全部现行党内法规的()。。
①  40%
②  50%
③  60%
④  70%