24.Don’t worry about Susan. She hasn’t been _____________ she pretends.
as lucky as
as unlucky as
【判断题】 Has she been listening? Yes, she has./ No, she hasn’t.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A: Who is She? B: Her name is Susan.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I don’t know the reason ___________ she is absent again today.
①  that
②  why
【单选题】 I don’t know why she avoids __________ her opinion on the subject.
①  to give
②  to be given
③  giving
④  being given
【单选题】 My car hasn’t been[填空] yet.
①  repaire
②  repairing
③  repaires
④  repaired
【单选题】 Don’t worry. We have _______ to finish the work carefully.
①  enough time
②  less time
③  little time
④  few times
【单选题】 _______ she tried her best, she didn’t succeed.
①  Though
②  When
③  If
④  After
【判断题】 She doesn’t do her work on weekdays, does she?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 9.She does not_____ that she owes the money, but she just wouldn’t like to return it.
①  argue
②  . dispute
③  think
④  agree
【单选题】 She didn’ t come to the party last Sunday._____, she must have made the party more exciting.
①  If she came
②  Would she come
③  Had she come Did she come
【单选题】 凌迟作为死刑的法定刑罚出现于()朝代
①  隋朝
②  唐朝
③  宋朝
④  明朝
【单选题】 延杖刑制度设立于( )。
①  明代
②  唐代
③  宋代
④  清代
【单选题】 十恶罪名首见于()法典
①  开皇律
②  唐律疏议
③  北齐律
④  北魏律
【单选题】 重罪十条的罪名最早见于哪一部法典
①  北齐律
②  西晋律
③  曹魏律
④  北魏律
【单选题】 秦朝法律中有关审理案件的原则、治狱程式、调查勘验等方面的法律规定是
①  廷行事
②  封诊式
③  法律答问
④  秦律
【单选题】 六礼作为法定的婚姻成立条件确立于()
①  西周
②  商朝
③  汉代
④  夏朝
【判断题】 北齐将廷尉改大理寺作为最高司法审判机关
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 奴隶制五刑制度中不属于肉刑的是()
①  墨刑
②  宫刑
③  大辟
④  剕刑
【多选题】 西周时期的刑罚有()
①  鞭扑
②  流放
③  宫刑
④  大辟
【单选题】 西周的婚姻管理机关是( )。
①  司寇
②  士师
③  媒氏
④  司徒