29. I remember __________ for the job, but I forget the exact amount.
to be paid
get paid
that I receive pay
being paid
【单选题】 27.He asked me to lend him some money, which I agreed to do, ________ that he paid me back the following week.
①  on occasion
②  on purpose
③  on condition
④  only if
【单选题】 If I can get a pay raise, I _______ buy a house.
①  /
②  will
③  would
【单选题】 —Could I borrow your dictionary? —I’d get it for you ____I could remember who last borrowed it.
①  except that
②  unless
③  only if
④  if only
【单选题】 Things are back to _____ since we paid off all our debts.
①  formal
②  normal
③  regular
④  common
【单选题】 Alice had a dream of becoming a biologist at a very young age and her ( ) paid off.
①  possess
②  prevail
③  positive
④  persistence
【单选题】 The human race has already paid a heavy price for its slow _____to environmental threats.
①  response
②  responsibility
③  resolution
④  resistance
【单选题】 I remember her face but I cannot___ where I met her.
①  recall
②  remind
③  remark
④  remember
【单选题】 The treasury issued an order stating that ____ land purchased from the government had to be paid for in gold and silver.
①  henceforth
②  moreover
③  whereby
④  however
【单选题】 07. I wrote it down_________I should forget it.
①  incase
②  incaseof
③  inorderthat
④  forfearof
【多选题】 I shall never forget the days when I first ________________ Beijing.
①  set foot in
②  arrive at
③  arrived at
④  set out
【单选题】 现场消防设施坚持的方针()。
①  管理为主、宣传结合
②  预防为主、防消结合
③  管理为主、防消结合
④  预防为主、宣传结合
【单选题】 施工中,基坑平台四周设置不低于()高的护身栏杆。
①  1500mm
②  1200mm
③  1000mm
④  800mm
【多选题】 施工现场临时用电,需要做到()。
①  TN-S接零保护系统
②  共用一个配电箱
③  三级配电二级保护
④  TN-C-S接零保护系统
⑤  一机一闸一漏一箱
【判断题】 施工过程中的设计管理只涉及施工阶段。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 建筑工程施工现场标准化管理目的在于加强安全生产和绿色施工管理工作。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 轻量化BIM应用的优点不包括()。
①  现场管理人员摆脱携带大量图纸的传统
②  需要综合全专业的模型,所以导致不太容易理解现场安装是否准确
③  弥补了工程师的专业偏科的局限性
④  提升现场管理效率
【多选题】 BIM应用准备包括()。
①  技术准备
②  人员准备
③  制度准备
④  硬件准备
【多选题】 BIM解决了图纸()等问题。
①  保管难
②  管理难
③  复制难
④  查找难
【判断题】 为了实现完整的BIM运维管理,集成化的运维平台必不可少。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 点云代表实际,BIM模型为虚拟。
①  正确
②  错误