9. Outside, the ______ children were lying naked in the sun with nobody attending to them.
. ill
【单选题】 9. These children are ____this year than they were last year.
①  more tall
②  more taller
③  very taller
④  much taller
【单选题】 We decided to _______ to help the sick children with their homework.
①  go to the hospital
②  went to a hospital
③  going to a hospital
④  went to the hospital
【单选题】 He was sick, [填空]they were quiet.
①  so
②  or
③  never
④  so that
【单选题】 11.The children were ______their father.
①  part from
②  parted with
③  parted in
④  parted from
【单选题】 It turned out that the children were not _____for the accident.
①  to blame
②  to be blamed
③  to be blaming
④  to have been blaming
【单选题】 I had my meals ______ when I was ill in bed with a bad cold.
①  to bring
②  bring
③  brought
④  bringing
【单选题】 A: I feel quite sick, doctor. B: [填空] A: Im not sure, but I have got a bad headache.
①  How long have you been sick?
②  Im sorry to hear that
③  How are you feeling now?
④  Do you have a fever?
【单选题】 These children are ______ this year than they were last year.
①  more tall
②  more taller
③  very taller
④  much taller
【单选题】 These children are _________ this year than they were last year.
①  moretall
②  moretaller
③  verytaller
④  muchtaller
【单选题】 When we were having a party, the host _______ the bad news.
①  was telling
②  was told
③  could tell
【单选题】 13、在采场内,为采取煤炭所进行的一系列工作,称为( )。
①  运煤
②  落煤
③  回采工作
【单选题】 68、开采( )薄及中厚单一煤层,可采用上(下)山盘区布置方式。
①  倾斜
②  急倾斜
③  近水平
【单选题】 30、当地质构造过分发育的块段,采用( ),其对地质变化的适应能力较强。
①  炮采工艺
②  综采工艺
③  普采工艺
【单选题】 100、主排水泵房和主变电所应( )布置,以便使主变电所向主排水泵房的供电距离最短。
①  垂直
②  分别
③  联合
【单选题】 23、采高小于( )煤层称为薄煤层
①  1.3m
②  2.0m
③  2.5m
【单选题】 8、在阶段范围内不划分采区,而是沿倾向将煤层划分为若干平行于走向的长条带,每个长条带称为分段,每个分段斜长布置一个采煤工作面,这种划分称为( )。
①  采区式
②  分段式
③  带区式
【单选题】 公司清查库存现金发现长款,在未查明原因前,应贷记的科目是?
①  应付账款
②  库存现金
③  营业外收入
④  待处理财产损溢
【单选题】 购入作为交易性金融资产核算的股票,支付价款200000元,其中包含已宣告但尚未领取的现金股利5000元,另支付交易费用600元。该项交易性金融资产的入账价值是?
①  194400元
②  195000元
③  200000元
④  200600元
【单选题】 下列银行结算账户中,可以办理日常经营活动的资金收付、现金支取及员工工资、奖金发放的银行账户是?
①  基本存款账户
②  一般存款账户
③  专用存款账户
④  临时存款账户
【单选题】 企业存入证券公司尚未投资的资金,应借记的科目是?
①  银行存款
②  其他应收款
③  其他货币资金
④  交易性金融资产