1.The authors purpose of writing
To show the cruelty of AIDS
To explain the cause of AIDS
To illustrate the right attitude one should adopt towards AIDS patients
【单选题】 1.The authors purpose of writing
①  To show the authors grandparents were honest.
②  To explain what Integrity Triad realy embodies.
③  To demonstrate the authors grandparents motto
【单选题】 1.The authors purpose of writing
①  To point out the disadvantages of having only one child.
②  To display the disadvantages of having only one child.
③  To raise a controversial problem with its probable causes and effects
【单选题】 1.The authors purpose of writing
①  To predict how children under the future educational system would feel
②  to tell us a story about Tommy and Maggie
③  to display the availability of the net courses
【单选题】 The ____ of AIDS has led to an expansion in research seeking a cure.
①  innovation
②  selection
③  proliferation
④  conviction
【单选题】 People found to their horror that two-thirds of the adult population in that area had _______ AIDS.
①  contacted
②  contrasted
③  contracted
④  compacted
【简答题】 Translate the following sentence into ChineseI hope that the effort that weve made will be of some use to the battle against AIDS.
【单选题】 1. The authors purpose of writing
①  To describe a planes jolt
②  To tell the readers a story about the lightning.
③  To narrate the authors personal experience during an accident.
【单选题】 治疗AIDS的鸡尾酒疗法是目前常用的治疗方案,其三联疗法是()。
①  选用蛋白酶抑制剂
②  干扰素
③  选用非核苷类反转录酶抑制剂
④  ABC三类药物联合使用
⑤  选用核苷类反转录酶抑制剂
【单选题】 The cruelty of the Germans towards the Jews and ______ of the Japanese towards their prisoners, filled _____ with horror.
①  those; someone
②  that; everyone
③  no one
④  this; anyone
【单选题】 1. Decide which of the following best states the authors purpose of writing?
①  To express his anguish of movig from his old home
②  To describe the laughter and tears of the four generations of his family
③  to explain the real meaning of his grandpas wordsneversay googbye‘
④  To tell the story of his grandpas death
【单选题】 我国绘制的时间表中,到()时,要让各方面的制度更加成熟更加定型,并且实践中充分体现其优越性。
①  2035年
②  2040年
③  新中国成立100周年
④  建党一百周年
【单选题】 粉碎“四人帮”后,全党工作以()为中心,致力于解决人民群众的温饱问题。
①  改革开放
②  经济建设
③  对外开放
④  为人民服务
【单选题】 以下不符合社会主义协议民主内容的是()
①  局部性
②  全方位
③  全国性
④  实在性
【单选题】 互联网重构了社会结构,使()成为新视角。
①  年龄代沟
②  数字鸿沟
③  技术鸿沟
④  代际分析
【单选题】 对以下问题,必须批判的是()。
①  思想认识问题
②  政治原则问题
③  学术态度问题
④  学术观点问题
【单选题】 习近平总书记讲,说意识形态工作,是党的一项()重要的工作。
①  十分
②  非常
③  比较
④  极端
【单选题】 ()是党的根本的组织原则。
①  人民代表大会制度
②  政治协商制度
③  党的领导制度
④  民主集中制
【单选题】 在金门、马祖率先实现同福建沿海地区“四通”不包括:()。
①  通水
②  通商
③  通电
④  通桥
【单选题】 “一国两制”构想是在()的背景下提出的。
①  邓小平为了解决台湾问题
②  毛泽东为了解决台湾问题
③  毛泽东为了解决港澳问题
④  邓小平为了解决港澳问题
【判断题】 我们现行的党和国家的权力配置和运行监督机制总的来说是符合我们的国情,不需要完善了。
①  正确
②  错误