3. He had to ______ his past actions when he retired, or he would be punished.
account for
【单选题】 20. Only when he had handed in his exam paper ____ he had made several mistakes.
①  he has realized
②  does he realize
③  has he realized
④  did he realize
【判断题】 He had his leg break when he slipped on a piece of ice.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 3. He said he had ______ this subject for ten years.
①  taught
②  pursued
③  demanded
④  afforded
【单选题】 It was not until he arrived in class _____ realized he had forgotten his book.
①  when he
②  that he
③  and he
④  he
【单选题】 In the past he often made his sister___, but now he is often made __by his sister.
①  to cry; to cry
②  cry
③  to cry; cry
④  cry; to cry
【单选题】 He was _____ his late twenties when he found his first job.
①  in
②  after
③  after
④  from
【单选题】 阅读理解:阅读下列短文,回答文后问题,选择最佳答案Robert had just moved into the street and he felt strange that he was not wanted. He knew that perhaps the other boys were trying to get an idea of what kind of a boy he was. This did not help him to make himself less lonely. He was new and he had to be tested. Still, proving himself would not be all that easy. He did not want to run with the boys or get into something against the law to prove that he was strong. No! He must show what he was made of in a more helpful way. That’s when he got the idea.The next day was Saturday. He knew that most of the boys would be down on the playground and choose up sides for the Saturday game. Robert knew he could play well and that just might be enough to prove he was strong, and to make friends with them. He arrived early and did his step exercises. He shot the ball several times and did some other exercises—the most difficult and most wonderful in basketball. Then the boys came. Robert went through what he had done before the game and showed what he could do. No one said a word. The boys just looked at each other and thought about it. In the end, when it was all over, the biggest of the group just smiled and shook his head. Robert knew he had made it.2. Why would it not be easy for Robert to prove himself?
①  Because he was not sure if he was really strong.
②  Because he was new and was not wanted in the street.
③  Because the other boys had found out what kind of a boy he was.
④  Because he must choose the best way to prove himself.
【单选题】 阅读理解:阅读下列短文,回答文后问题,选择最佳答案Robert had just moved into the street and he felt strange that he was not wanted. He knew that perhaps the other boys were trying to get an idea of what kind of a boy he was. This did not help him to make himself less lonely. He was new and he had to be tested. Still, proving himself would not be all that easy. He did not want to run with the boys or get into something against the law to prove that he was strong. No! He must show what he was made of in a more helpful way. That’s when he got the idea.The next day was Saturday. He knew that most of the boys would be down on the playground and choose up sides for the Saturday game. Robert knew he could play well and that just might be enough to prove he was strong, and to make friends with them. He arrived early and did his step exercises. He shot the ball several times and did some other exercises—the most difficult and most wonderful in basketball. Then the boys came. Robert went through what he had done before the game and showed what he could do. No one said a word. The boys just looked at each other and thought about it. In the end, when it was all over, the biggest of the group just smiled and shook his head. Robert knew he had made it.3.When did Robert decide to prove himself by playing basketball?
①  After he had thought about the other two ways mentioned in paragraph one.
②  Long before he moved into the street.
③  When the other boys came down to the playground.
④  As soon as he showed what he was made of in front of the other boys.
【单选题】 He didn’t keep on asking me the time any longer as he had had his watch ____.?
①  repaired ?
②  to repair ?
③  repairing ?
④  repair?
【单选题】 阅读理解:阅读下列短文,回答文后问题,选择最佳答案Robert had just moved into the street and he felt strange that he was not wanted. He knew that perhaps the other boys were trying to get an idea of what kind of a boy he was. This did not help him to make himself less lonely. He was new and he had to be tested. Still, proving himself would not be all that easy. He did not want to run with the boys or get into something against the law to prove that he was strong. No! He must show what he was made of in a more helpful way. That’s when he got the idea.The next day was Saturday. He knew that most of the boys would be down on the playground and choose up sides for the Saturday game. Robert knew he could play well and that just might be enough to prove he was strong, and to make friends with them. He arrived early and did his step exercises. He shot the ball several times and did some other exercises—the most difficult and most wonderful in basketball. Then the boys came. Robert went through what he had done before the game and showed what he could do. No one said a word. The boys just looked at each other and thought about it. In the end, when it was all over, the biggest of the group just smiled and shook his head. Robert knew he had made it.4. What did the biggest of the group mean by shaking his head?
①  He did not want to say anything about what Robert had done.B. He had not thought Robert could play so wonderfully.C. He did not want to make friends with Robert.D. He did not think Robert played basketball well.
②  He had not thought Robert could play so wonderfully.
③  He did not want to make friends with Robert..
④  He did not think Robert played basketball well.
【单选题】 差异化战略的核心是取得某种对顾客有价值的?
①  差异性
②  独特性
③  . 使用性
④  . 信誉性
【单选题】 长期资金筹资方式中,筹资风险最大的筹资方式是?
①  债券 }3. 优先股
②  . 银行借款
③  . 普通股
【单选题】 分散化经 营单位最适 应的经营 战略是 ? 。
①  差异化 战略
②  . 集中化 战略
③  . 成 本经营战略
④  . 市 场渗透战 略
【单选题】 你认为手机行业最 主要的特征是?
①  产品高度标准化
②  . 规模经济不太明显品技术
③  更新比较缓慢
④  行业的进人/退出壁垒都高
【单选题】 某企业原来经营专为高档消费群体的“ 向阳”牌服装,该市场成功后,又以该品牌进人中档消费市场 ,这一品牌策略就是?。
①  品牌延伸
②  . 个别 品牌
③  . 家庭品牌
④  . 多品牌
【单选题】 在所有的公司战略类 型中,最不期望、最不乐意作 出选择的战略是?
①  转向战略
②  . 清算战略
③  . 放弃战略
④  . 无变化战略
【单选题】 日本索尼公司于 1989 年以 54 亿美元的价格买下了美国哥伦比亚和三星两家电影公司,此时实施的战略是? 。
①  横向一体化战略
②  . 纵向一体化战略
③  . 多元化战略
④  . 成本领先战略
【单选题】 战 略与结构关 系的基本原则 是 ?。
①  组织战 略服从于组织 结构
②  . 组 织战略与组 织结构并列
③  . 组织 的结构服从 于组织战略
④  . 产 生共同愿景
【单选题】 企业通过有效途径降低成本,使企业的全部成本低于竞争对手的成本,甚至在同行业中具有最低的成本,从而取竞争优势的一种战略是?
①  成本领先战略
②  . 营销战略
③  . 竞争优势战略
④  . 差异化战略
【单选题】 环境分析技术主要有战略要素评估矩阵和? 两种。
①  核心能力分析
②  . SW O T 分析
③  . 财务分析
④  . 生命周期分析法