11.The United Nations managed to ______millions of people from hunger last year.
. buy
【单选题】 No more having to buy expensive textbooks which you will only use for a year or two and then sell or _______ away.
①  get
②  give
③  take
④  gain
【单选题】 11.The children were ______their father.
①  part from
②  parted with
③  parted in
④  parted from
【单选题】 These children are ______ this year than they were last year.
①  more tall
②  more taller
③  very taller
④  much taller
【单选题】 These children are _________ this year than they were last year.
①  moretall
②  moretaller
③  verytaller
④  muchtaller
【单选题】 These children are_______this year than they were last year.
①  moretall
②  moretaller
③  verytaller
④  muchtaller
【单选题】 Niagara Falls is a great tourist _____, drawing millions of visitors every year.
①  attention
②  attraction
③  appointment
④  arrangement
【单选题】 9. These children are ____this year than they were last year.
①  more tall
②  more taller
③  very taller
④  much taller
【判断题】 The cinema is built last year.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 Thousands of trees?were planted?last year.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A new school was _____ up in the village last year.
①  held
②  set
③  sent
④  bought
【简答题】 世界新闻媒介的三大运行体制包括以[填空1]为代表的以私有制为主体的完全商业化运作体制、以西欧各国为代表的公私并举的双轨制运作体制、以中国为代表的完全国有的有限商业运作体制。
【简答题】 受众的权利包括知情权、表达权和[填空1]。
【简答题】 新闻最基本的特点是[填空1]和新鲜,由此而延伸出新闻报道上迅速及时的要求。这也是新闻最基本重要的规律。
【简答题】 传媒业经营的基本原则包括普遍服务的原则、编营分离原则、[填空1]。
【简答题】 传媒业经营的基本路径包括:集约化、专业化、[填空1]。
【简答题】 新闻改革的基本特点一是从自发走向自觉,中央掌握改革主导权;二是[填空1]三是从边缘突破走向中心突破,新闻报道成为新闻改革的主攻目标;四是从增量改革走向盘活存量。
【简答题】 中国新闻媒介的走势在制度架构层面是从人治走向[填空1]。
【简答题】 Translate the following sentence into Chinese.2. The Greens is very kind to us.
【简答题】 Translate the following sentence into English.我认为花任何代价做那件事情都是值得的。
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[toddler; lottery; claim; retract; turn down; somehow; in reality; gamble; publicity; inculcate]6.[填空1], the operation will end before its start without these preparations.