12.To make him stay, the manager _______him a pay rise.
【单选题】 His landlady gave him a weeks ___ to leave the flat.
①  threat
②  notice
③  advice
④  caution
【单选题】 They will inform him ____ any progress they make in the experiment.
①  about
②  on
③  of
④  with
【单选题】 The doctor gave the old man a _____ examination and congratulated him on his speedy recovery.
①  cautious
②  cautiously
③  careful
④  carefully
【单选题】 The only pleasure that Einstein ____ his great fame was the ability it gave him to help others.
①  resulted from
②  stirred up
③  turned out
④  derived from
【单选题】 If you want to see the chairman of the department, you’d better make an ____ with him first.
①  admission
②  agreement
③  appointment
④  argument
【单选题】 A: Im going to ask for a pay rise. B: [填空]
①  I think you cant do it.
②  Let me pay for it
③  I think you may talk to your boss
④  I dont think you are worth.
【单选题】 The manager promised to keep me _____ of how our business was going on.
①  to be informed
②  on informing
③  informed
④  informing
【单选题】 The manager promised to keep me ____ of how our business was going on.
①  to be informed
②  on informing
③  informed
④  informing
【单选题】 A: Will you please give the note to him? B: [填空].
①  No,please not
②  Sorry,I dont
③  Certainly,Ill give it to him
④  Yes,please do
【单选题】 Tomissotalkative.Imsureyoullsoonbefamiliar_______him.
①  of
②  with
③  at
④  on
【单选题】 “红船精神”第一次把民族复兴建立在( )指导的基础之上。
①  科学理论
②  中国共产党
③  社会主义发展方向
④  人民民主专政
【单选题】 2005年6月21日,( )同志在《光明日报》发表署名文章《弘扬红船精神,走在时代前列》,在文章中第一次公开阐述“红船精神”。
①  胡锦涛
②  习近平
③  温家宝
④  李长春
【单选题】 在渡江战役中被授予“一级人民英雄”称号的是( )
①  王兆才
②  王玉林
③  陈德忠
④  李安甫
【单选题】 1930年4月,鄂豫皖边特委组建了中国工农红军第一军,首任军长是( )。
①  董必武
②  徐向前
③  许继慎
④  曹大骏
【单选题】 ( )被美国作家哈里森·索尔兹伯里称为“长征史上最光彩神奇的篇章”。
①  四渡赤水
②  强渡大渡河
③  飞夺泸定桥
④  激战腊子口
【单选题】 ( )是大别山精神的风格。
①  坚守信念
②  团结奋进
③  胸怀全局
④  勇当前锋
【单选题】 在影片《建国大业》中有这样的镜头:阳春三月,从全国各战场赶来的领导们裹着一路的风尘,各个满怀着喜悦之情步入七届二中全会会场。党的领导人充满喜悦之情的最主要原因是( )
①  三大战役即将全胜
②  解放战争即将胜利
③  渡江战役获得捷报
④  中国即将变成工业国
【单选题】 下列是哪位是皖西籍的烈士?
①  王步文
②  江竹筠
③  蒋光慈
④  邓中夏
【单选题】 《共产党宣言》的第一个中文翻译者是( )。
①  李大钊
②  陈独秀
③  陈望道
④  瞿秋白
【单选题】 ( )是南方八省十五个游击区中面积最大的游击区。
①  鄂豫皖边游击区
②  闽东游击区
③  鲁西游击区
④  苏北游击区