2.Should any critical issue _______ the negotiation with foreign company, immediately report to the manager for advice.
arise from
. make
【单选题】 Here is some ____ advice to any young businessman.
①  variable
②  worthwhile
③  worthy
④  value
【单选题】 , the sales manager began his report with the statistics of last month’s sales.
①  By now
②  As usual
③  So far
④  At most
【单选题】 , the sales manager began his report with the statistics of last month’s sales.
①  By now
②  As usual
③  So far
④  At most
【单选题】 we desire that the tour leader __________ us immediately of any changes in plans.
①  inform
②  informs
③  informed
④  has informed
【单选题】 I am not sure whether I can gain any profit from the investment, so I can’t make a(n) ____ tohelp you.
①  exact
②  defined
③  definite
④  sure
【单选题】 She _________ the children not to make any noise.
①  tell
②  told
③  said
④  telling
【单选题】 ______ the storm, we should have reached our company.
①  Because of
②  In spite of
③  In case of
④  But for
【单选题】 About 60 percent of the students ___ from the south, the rest of them ___ from the north and foreign countries.
①  are/is
②  are/are
③  is/are
④  are
【判断题】 Her home is far from her company.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 They will inform him ____ any progress they make in the experiment.
①  about
②  on
③  of
④  with
【单选题】 系统发生两相短路故障时,复合序网的连接方式为()。
①  正序、负序、零序并联
②  正序、负序并联,零序开路
③  正序、零序并联,负序开路
④  零序、负序并联,正序开路
【单选题】 我国规定的标准额定电压等级有(   )
①  110kV 220kV 380kV
②  121kV 200kV 300kV
③  110kV 220kV 500kV
④  110kV 242kV 330kV
【单选题】 电力系统潮流计算中有且只设置一个的节点是()。
①  PQ节点
②  PV节点
③  平衡节点
④  PQ节点和PV节点
【单选题】 二级负荷和三级负荷的划分依据是用户对供电的()
①  可靠性要求
②  经济性要求
③  灵活性要求
④  优质性要求
【单选题】 P-σ曲线被称为()
①  耗量特性曲线
②  负荷曲线
③  正弦电压曲线
④  功角曲线
【单选题】 负序阻抗与正序阻抗不相同的是()。
①  变压器
②  同步调相机
③  电抗器
④  架空线路
【单选题】 电力系统的综合供电负荷加上厂用电之和,称为(  )
①  发电负荷
②  供电负荷
③  用电负荷
④  工业负荷
【单选题】 无零序电流分量的不对称短路是(  )
①  三相短路
②  两相短路
③  单相接地短路
④  两相短路接地
【单选题】 输电线路反映电流的热效应的参数是()。
①  电抗
②  电阻
③  电纳
④  电导
【单选题】 电力系统分析中,有功功率的单位常用(  )
①  VAR
②  MW
③  MVA
④  V