28. ____for a long time, the fields are all dried up.
There has been no rain 
Having no rain 
There having been no rain
There being no rain
【单选题】 _____ for a long time, the fields are all dried up.
①  There has been no rain
②  Having no rain
③  There having been no rain
④  There being no rain
【单选题】 ____ for a long time, the fields are all dried up.
①  There has been no rain
②  Having no rain
③  There having been no rain
④  There being no rain
【单选题】 It is _____ to rain.
①  likely
②  liked
③  may be
④  like
【单选题】 It’s [填空] to rain.
①  going
②  come
③  coming
④  has
【单选题】 After so many weeks without rain, the ground quickly _____the little rain that fell last night.
①  skipped
②  soaked
③  retrieved
④  absorbed
【单选题】 The rain was heavy and ____ the land was flooded.
①  consequently
②  continuously
③  constantly
④  consistently
【单选题】 It is going to rain. The sky is getting _________ and ________.
①  dark, dark
②  darker and darker
③  darkest and darkest
④  dark and darker
【单选题】 Not until the rain stopped [填空]the room.
①  did he leave
②  he left
③  left he
④  did leave he
【单选题】 ___the rain ,he went on working in the garden.
①  In addition to
②  In spite of
③  Except for
【单选题】 _____ that it was going to rain, he took a raincoat with him.
①  Seeing
②  Saw
③  Seen
④  To see
【多选题】 信用证结算方式的特点是
①  开证行负第一性付款责任
②  信用证是一项独立文件
③  银行不垫付款项
④  信用证业务的处理以单据为准
【多选题】 银团贷款按贷款期限可分为( )
①  间接银团贷款
②  定期贷款
③  循环贷款
④  直接银团贷款
【多选题】 外国出口信贷下,借款人所需要支付的成本包括
①  利率
②  代理费
③  管理费
④  杂费
【单选题】 期权的买方预测到未来利率下降,他会()
①  买入看涨期权
②  买入看跌期权
③  卖出看涨期权
④  卖出看跌期权
【单选题】 最主要、最广泛的国际结算方式是( )
①  汇款
②  托收
③  信用证
④  保付代理
【单选题】 期权的卖方预测到未来利率下降,他会()
①  买入看涨期权
②  买入看跌期权
③  卖出看涨期权
④  卖出看跌期权
【单选题】 ( )年,我国首次运用银团贷款进行美元融资
①  1985
②  1984
③  1983
④  1982
【单选题】 期权的买方预测到未来利率上升,他会()
①  买入看涨期权
②  买入看跌期权
③  卖出看涨期权
④  卖出看跌期权
【单选题】 国际信贷业务中的管理风险又称为
①  市场风险
②  信贷风险
③  利率风险
④  操作风险
【单选题】 信用证根据是否附有货运单据,分为跟单信用证和()
①  保兑信誉证
②  可转让信用证
③  不可撤销信用证
④  光票信用证