20._____your poor record at school, we think you should study more.
In view of
For view of
From view of
Within view of
【单选题】 David watched her car until it ________ from view.
①  remainded
②  dalayed
③  grew
④  disappeared
【单选题】 4. David watched her car until it ____ from view.
①  remained
②  delayed
③  grew
④  disappeared
【单选题】 What does the functional view of language see language?
①  A system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learner
②  A communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people
③  A linguistic system made up of various subsystems
④  A a linguistic system and a means for doing things.
【单选题】 What does the structural view of language see language?
①  A system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learner
②  A communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people
③  A linguistic system made up of various subsystems
④  A linguistic system and a means for doing things.
【单选题】 What does the interactional view of language see language?
①  A system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learner
②  A communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people
③  A linguistic system made up of various subsystems
④  A linguistic system and a means for doing things.
【单选题】 He would like to view difficulties ____ a kind of challenge.
①  with
②  on
③  of
④  as
【判断题】 利用MultiView和View控件能实现向导功能。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 In William Cullen Bryant’s poem “Thanatopsis”, the title means view of death.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 生成的任意视图均可以用VIEW命令命名保存。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The taxi driver _______ at me in the rear-view mirror when I got on the car.
①  smile
②  laughed
③  grinned
④  stared
【多选题】 下列叙述错误的是?
①  A.偶然误差影响分析结果的准确度
②  B.偶然误差的数值大小具有单向性
③  C.偶然误差在分析中是无法避免的
④  D.绝对值相同的正、负偶然误差出现的概率大体相等
⑤  E.偶然误差可以通过增加平行测定的次数加以消除
【单选题】 下列机构中,不适用于《执业医师法》的是()
①  A.计划生育技术服务机构
②  B.乡村医疗卫生机构
③  C.城镇社区卫生服务机构
④  D.城镇药品零售机构
【单选题】 从广义上来讲,解刨学不包括那一项?
①  A解刨学
②  B分割学
③  C组织学
④  D胚胎学
【单选题】 人体共有几大系统?
①  A 12
②  B 8
③  C 9
④  D 5
【单选题】 我们吃进食物的主要吸收场所是
①  A回肠
②  B空肠
③  C十二指肠
④  D盲肠
【单选题】 人体各个方向标准的切面有几个?
①  A 1
②  B 2
③  C 3
④  D 4
【单选题】 腹股沟管前壁是()
①  A.腹横筋膜
②  B.腹股沟韧带
③  C.腹外斜肌腱膜
④  D.腹直肌前鞘
【单选题】 关于网织红细胞的说法,错误的是(
①  A.是造血干细胞
②  B.是未成熟的红细胞
③  C.有合成蛋白质的功能
④  D.是红细胞的幼稚阶段
【单选题】 不属于固有结缔组织的是(????)
①  A.疏松结缔组织
②  B.致密结缔组织
③  C.血液和淋巴
④  D.脂肪组织
【判断题】 重疾一般都是因寒引起,首先调高室内温度(夏季除外),如果是脑中风,揉头部原始点(耳后、枕骨),若为心脏病发作,按揉上胸部原始点
①  正确
②  错误