6.All this is highly ______ for those who worried a year ago that the country would have difficulty rebuilding its economy.
【单选题】 I saw that she was in difficulty with all those parcels, so I offered my_____.
①  service
②  money
③  use
④  chance
【单选题】 Those who have applied for the post()in the office.
①  are being interviewed
②  are interviewing
③  interviewing
④  to be interviewing
【单选题】 With the rapid development of the economy, all ( ) of our life have changed.
①  filed
②  fileds
③  aspect
④  aspects
【单选题】 I particularly want to pay tribute, not only to those who prepared the magnificent dinner, but also to those who have provided the splendid music.
①  A.我不仅要特别奖赏那些准备了这次盛大晚宴的人,而且还要奖赏那些为我们提供美好音乐的人。
②  B.我不仅要特别赞扬那些准备了这次盛大晚宴的人,而且还要赞扬那些为我们提供美好音乐的人。
③  C.我不仅要特别赞扬那些准备了这次盛大晚宴的人,而且还要赞扬那些为我们演奏好音乐的人。
④  D.我特别赞扬的不是那些准备了这次盛晚宴的人,而是那些为我们演奏美好音乐的人。
【单选题】 A country ________ birth rate is higher than its death rate will have an increasing population.
①  who
②  which
③  whose
④  where
【单选题】 15.We would have arrived two hours ago _____the traffic jam.
①  because of
②  as a result of
③  despite
④  but for
【单选题】 All people, [] they are old or young, have been trying their best to help those in need.
①  even if
②  whether
③  no matter
④  however
【单选题】 People who try to bring contraband items into a country or ( ) try to Hide things so that they won’t have to pay duty are called “smuggler”
①  who
②  when
③  where
④  how
【单选题】 The millions of calculations involved, ____ by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.
①  had they been done
②  they had been done
③  having been done
④  they were done
【单选题】 The millions of circulations involved, _____ by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.
①  had they been done
②  they had been done
③  having been done
④  they were done
【单选题】 关于良性肿瘤特点的叙述,哪项是错误的()
①  永不威胁生命
②  细胞分化程度高
③  多呈膨胀性生长
④  有包膜,界限清,少数可恶变
⑤  肿瘤细胞与来源组织细胞相似
【单选题】 关于牙龈瘤的叙述,哪项是错误的()
①  女性多见,与内分泌有关
②  可以破坏牙槽骨壁
③  一般应将病变波及的牙齿拔除
④  病变波及的骨膜及邻近骨组织需要去除
⑤  因非真性肿瘤,切除后不易复发
【单选题】 女性,13岁,左面部肿大、畸形,随年龄而增长。查:左鼻及唇颊增大、下坠、质软,面部及躯干皮肤有多处棕色斑。最可能的临床诊断是()
①  嗜酸性粒细胞增生性淋巴肉芽肿
②  囊性淋巴管瘤
③  神经纤维瘤病
④  放线菌病
⑤  海绵状血管瘤
【单选题】 囊壁中含有皮肤附件结构的囊肿是()
①  皮脂腺囊肿
②  皮样囊肿
③  表皮样囊肿
④  鳃裂囊肿
⑤  甲状舌管囊肿
【单选题】 哪种囊肿属于牙源性囊肿()
①  球上颌囊肿
②  鼻腭囊肿
③  鼻唇囊肿
④  正中囊肿
⑤  角化囊肿
【单选题】 哪个囊肿X线检查无改变()
①  根尖囊肿
②  球上颌囊肿
③  正中囊肿
④  鼻唇囊肿
⑤  鼻腭囊肿
【单选题】 通常不会发生恶变的是()
①  囊性水瘤
②  鳃裂囊肿
③  角化囊肿
④  皮脂腺囊肿
⑤  甲状舌管瘘
【单选题】 关于淋巴管瘤的说法错误的是()
①  是一种恶性肿瘤
②  可以分为3型
③  常见儿童与青年
④  治疗以外科手术为主
⑤  好发于舌、唇、颊、及颈部
【单选题】 牙龈瘤的病理分型不含()
①  肉芽肿性牙龈瘤
②  纤维性牙龈瘤
③  血管性牙龈瘤
④  巨细胞型牙龈瘤
⑤  先天性牙龈瘤
【单选题】 牙龈瘤的组织来源()
①  牙龈上皮
②  牙周膜
③  颌骨骨皮质
④  牙槽骨
⑤  牙周膜及颌骨牙槽突的结缔组织