12.Most _______residents tried to seek protection in the local hospitals.
【单选题】 The leakage of the concrete ( ) of the contract between the two corporations has aroused much concern and a heated discussion in local residents.
①  portions
②  divisions
③  fragments
④  details
【单选题】 12. Last year_________ of new books were published on environmental protection.
①  thehundred
②  hundreds
③  ahundred
④  onehundred
【单选题】 12.Among these articles, which do you think are most ______ to interest our students?
①  competent
②  likely
③  awkward
④  unexpected
【判断题】 “Don’t panic; just hold on that rock and I’ll come and fetch you down.”
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 As a realist, Mark Twain concerned particularly about the local character of a region, which came about as “Local Colorism”.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 Newspapers stuff between the layers as further protection against bad weather.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Our master, who is an experienced teacher, is expert in ( ) students to seek knowledge themselves.
①  discouraging
②  criticizing
③  motivating
④  forcing
【单选题】 We tried to ____ what he meant.
①  make for
②  make out
③  make of
④  make from
【单选题】 The residents, _____had been damaged by the fire, were given help by the Red Cross.
①  all of their homes
②  all their homes
③  whose all homes
④  all of whose homes
【单选题】 The residents, _____had been damaged by the fire, were given help by the Red Cross.
①  all of their homes
②  all their homes
③  whose all homes
④  all of whose homes
【单选题】 具有温中和胃功效的常用中成药是()。
①  四逆汤
②  小建中合剂
③  香砂养胃颗粒(丸)
④  良附丸
⑤  香砂平胃丸(颗粒)
【单选题】 既能够止嗽定喘,又能够益气补肺的中成药是()。
①  苏子降气丸
②  人参保肺丸
③  蛤蚧定喘丸
④  固本喘咳片
⑤  降气定喘丸
【单选题】 服用时,应该用淡盐水送服的常用中成药是()。
①  四神丸(片)
②  固本益肠片
③  玉屏风胶囊
④  金锁固精丸
⑤  缩泉丸
【单选题】 越鞠丸的功能是()。
①  疏肝理脾,透解郁热
②  理气解郁,宽中除满
③  理气消胀,和胃止痛
④  疏肝理气,消胀止痛
⑤  行气化湿,健脾和胃
【单选题】 主治寒凝气滞、心脉不通所致胸痹的成药是()。
①  元胡止痛片
②  速效救心丸
③  心可舒胶囊
④  血府逐瘀口服液
⑤  冠心苏合滴丸
【单选题】 益心舒胶囊的功能除益气复脉,活血化瘀外,还具有的功能是()。
①  行气止痛
②  养阴生津
③  通络止痛
④  祛风化痰
⑤  清心安神
【单选题】 天麻钩藤颗粒的功能是()。
①  疏风活血、通络止痛
②  平肝息风、清热安神
③  平肝潜阳、醒脑安神
④  理气解郁、宽中除满
⑤  平肝息风、镇心安神
【单选题】 壮腰健肾丸的功能除壮腰健肾外,又能()。
①  祛风除湿
②  活血通络
③  祛风活络
④  通络止痛
⑤  滋补肝肾
【单选题】 有关连翘败毒丸的描述错误的是()。
①  疮疡属阴证者慎用
②  主治热毒蕴结肌肤所致的疮疡
③  孕妇慎用
④  肝功能不良者须在医生指导下使用
⑤  忌食辛辣,油腻食物及海鲜等发物
【单选题】 治水火烫伤的常用中成药属()。
①  妇科用药
②  外科、皮肤科用药
③  耳鼻喉、口腔科用药
④  内科用药
⑤  骨伤科用药