1. The authors purpose of writing
To describe a planes jolt
To tell the readers a story about the lightning.
To narrate the authors personal experience during an accident.
【单选题】 1. Decide which of the following best states the authors purpose of writing?
①  To express his anguish of movig from his old home
②  To describe the laughter and tears of the four generations of his family
③  to explain the real meaning of his grandpas wordsneversay googbye‘
④  To tell the story of his grandpas death
【单选题】 1.The authors purpose of writing
①  To show the authors grandparents were honest.
②  To explain what Integrity Triad realy embodies.
③  To demonstrate the authors grandparents motto
【单选题】 1.The authors purpose of writing
①  To predict how children under the future educational system would feel
②  to tell us a story about Tommy and Maggie
③  to display the availability of the net courses
【单选题】 1.The authors purpose of writing
①  To point out the disadvantages of having only one child.
②  To display the disadvantages of having only one child.
③  To raise a controversial problem with its probable causes and effects
【单选题】 1.The authors purpose of writing
①  To show the cruelty of AIDS
②  To explain the cause of AIDS
③  To illustrate the right attitude one should adopt towards AIDS patients
【单选题】 He was frightened by ____of lightning.
①  a bowl
②  a piece
③  a flash
④  a set
【简答题】 What does the story about the nurse and the surgeon tell us?
【单选题】 It turned out that the children were not _____for the accident.
①  to blame
②  to be blamed
③  to be blaming
④  to have been blaming
【单选题】 The authors great work has had a profound ( ) on me.
①  effect
②  assurance
③  confidence
④  evidence
【单选题】 People’s hearts ____ the children whose parents died in the accident.
①  went out for
②  went out with
③  went out to
④  went out of
【单选题】 下列各项中,不应列入利润表“营业成本”项目的是()。A.B.C.D.
①  已销商品的实际成本
②  在建工程领用产品的成本
③  对外提供服务结转的成本
④  投资性房地产计提的折旧额
【单选题】 下列各项中不应计入产品成本的是( )。
①  企业行政管理部门用固定资产的折旧费
②  车间厂房的折旧费
③  车间生产用设备的折旧费
④  车间辅助人员的工资
【简答题】 结合视频讲解,计算PDC,PDF,CAD三种产品的分配率为_____
【简答题】 结合视频讲解,计算修理车间的工资费用_____
【简答题】 结合视频讲解,计算PDC产品的工资费用_____
【简答题】 结合视频讲解,计算PDF产品的工资费用_____
【多选题】 17、应记入产品成本的各种材料费用,按其用途进行分配,应记入的账户有()。
①  “管理费用”
②  “基本生产成本”
③  “制造费用”
④  “财务费用”
【简答题】 观看视频我们可知,当月管理部门的其他费用合计为_____ 元。(无需保留小数位)
【单选题】 观看本章视频,根据视频内容计算出修理生产车间七月份的应摊销金额。(单位:元)
①  1810
②  1150
③  490
④  3450
【单选题】 观看本章视频,根据视频内容计算出两个辅助生产车间七月份的折旧费用总和。(单位:元)
①  21500
②  2980
③  2000
④  4980