4.The wedding ceremony is exactly ____ to coincide with his parents’ wedding anniversary.
【单选题】 A Chinese traditional wedding ceremony will ______us perfectly.
①  follow
②  join
③  combine
④  suit
【单选题】 A: ________________?B: Im here for my cousins wedding.
①  Whats the way of your visit?
②  Whats the plan of your visit?
③  Whats the purpose of your visit?
④  Where will you live?
【单选题】 ____ in the past, at the moment it is a favorite choice for wedding gown.
①  Unpopular has as white been
②  White has been as unpopular
③  Unpopular has been as white
④  Unpopular as white has been
【单选题】 _____ in the past, at the moment it is a favorite choice for wedding gown.
①  Unpopular has as white been
②  White has been as unpopular
③  Unpopular has been as white
④  Unpopular as white has been
【单选题】 14. It is ____ pity that you cannot come to the wedding.
①  such a
②  so
③  such as
④  many a
【单选题】 A: I need to buy a wedding gift for Jane. B: Should we stop at the shopping center? A: [填空]. The weddings not until next week, but I wont have time later to get them anything.
①  Wont be necessary
②  Its your call
③  I suppose so
④  If you insist
【单选题】 The poor child was ( ) by his parents soon after his birth.
①  accomplished
②  assured
③  astute
④  abandoned
【单选题】 Dave ____ into the house without ____ out by his parents.
①  slipped; finding
②  slips; finding
③  slips; to be found
④  slipped; being found
【单选题】 His parents __________ him the opportunity to go to university.
①  ignored
②  neglected
③  refused
④  denied
【单选题】 He __________ five telephone calls to his parents.
①  makes
②  was made
③  has made
④  was making
【单选题】 受产业化与经济全球化影响,标志早已被注入了( )与形象的视觉概念。
①  信息
②  艺术
③  设计
④  品牌理念
【单选题】 VLDL的生理功能为
①  转运外源性脂肪
②  转运内源性胆固醇
③  转运自由脂肪酸
④  逆向转运胆固醇
⑤  转运内源性脂肪
【单选题】 下列化合物中,属于酮体的是
①  β-羟丁酸和草酰乙酸
②  丙酮酸和乙酰乙酸
③  丙酮酸和草酰乙酸
④  丙酮和β-羟丁酸
⑤  乳酸和乙酰乙酸
【单选题】 体内储存的甘油三酯主要来源于
①  生糖氨基
③  葡萄糖
④  酮体
⑤  类脂
【单选题】 下列哪种激素能使血浆胆固醇升高
①  皮质醇
②  胰岛素
③  醛固酮
④  肾上腺
⑤  甲状旁腺素
【单选题】 tRNA的分子结构特征是:
①  有反密码环和3’—端有—CCA序列
②  有密码环
③  有反密码环和5’—端有—CCA序列
④  5’—端有—CCA序列
【判断题】 北京人身体各部分进化并不平衡,四肢进化比较快,头部比较落后。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 废除“禅让制”,确立王位世袭制的是()
【多选题】 与北宋并存的少数民族政权先后有()
④  西夏
【单选题】 公元1644年,李自成在西安建立的政权是()
①  大顺政权
②  大西政权
③  大齐政权
④  大宋政权