【单选题】 地方性法规如同宪法、法律、行政法规相抵触时,()有权撤销地方性法规。
①  全国人大
②  全国人大常委会
③  国务院
④  全国政协
【单选题】 在我国,()有权依照法律和行政法规,制定地方性规章。
①  县级人民政府
②  省、自治区、直辖市人民政府
③  省、自治区人民政府所在地的市的人民代表大会
④  国务院各部委
【多选题】 下列规范性法律文件中,( )属于行政法规。
①  《安全生产许可证条例》
②  《工程建设项目施工招标投标办法》
③  《建设工程勘察设计管理条例》
④  《建设项目环境保护管理条例》
⑤  《建设工程质量管理条例》
【单选题】 国务院制定行政法规的程序包括:行政法规的立项、行政法规的起草、()和行政法规的决定和公布。
①  行政法规的调查
②  行政法规草案的审查
③  行政法规草案的批准
④  行政法规的通过
【单选题】 *国务院制定行政法规的程序包括:行政法规的立项、行政法规的起草、()和行政法规的决定和公布。
①  行政法规的调查
②  行政法规草案的审查
③  行政法规草案的批准
④  行政法规的通过
【单选题】 按照法律地位和法律效力的层级不同,法应当包括宪法、法律、行政法规、地方性法规和 行政规章。下列关于法的制定,说法正确的是()。
①  A.行政法规的地位和效力高于行政规章,次于宪法和法律
②  B.《工伤保险条例》属于法律,由全国人民代表大会及其常务委员会制定
③  C.《安全生产法》的法律效力次于《危险化学品安全管理条例》
④  D.国家应急管理部制定的规范性文件的效力高于地方政府的规章
【单选题】 国务院有权根据(????)制定行政法规
①  宪法和法律
②  宪法
③  法律
④  党的决定
【简答题】 4、行政法规,是_[填空]___依据宪法和法律制定的领导和管理国家各项行政工作的各种规范性文件的总称。
【单选题】 国务院制定的规范性法律文件为:
①  行政规章
②  行政法
③  法律
④  行政法规
【单选题】 下列规范性文件中,属于行政法规的是(  )。
①  全国人民代表大会常务委员会制定的《中华人民共和国公司法》
②  国务院制定的《中华人民共和国外汇管理条例》
③  深圳市人民代表大会制定的《深圳经济特区注册会计师条例》
④  中国人民银行制定的《人民币银行结算账户管理办法》
【单选题】 As to Romanticism, which of the following statements is not right?
①  Romantic poetry is written according to fixed rules.
②  The Romanticists would return to the humble people and the common everyday life for the subjects.
③  The Romanticists not only extol the faculty of imagination, but also elevate the concepts of spontaneity and inspiration.
④  In order to achieve the effect of the individual vision, the medieval or renaissance world were particularly favored by the Romantics.
【单选题】 “My hearts in the Highlands, my heart is not here, /My hearts in the Highlands a-chasing the deer/ A-chasing the wild deer, and following the roe; / My hearts in the Highlands, wherever I go. /Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North / The birth place of Valour, the country of Worth; / Wherever I wander, wherever I rove, / The hills of the Highlands for ever I love” rhymes :
①  aabbccdd
②  ababcdcd
③  aabbccde
④  aabbaabb
【单选题】 What makes Jane Eyre one of the most popular and important novels of the Victorian Age are the followings except_____.
①  it is noted for its sharp criticism of the existing society
②  it is an intense moral fable
③  it is the first introduction to the English novel the first governess heroine
④  Jane Eyre is too timid to love her master Rochester.
【单选题】 “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” This is written by ______, one of the leading Romantic poets.
①  John Keats
②  William Wordsworth
③  Percy Bysshe Shelley
④  William Blake
【单选题】 William Wordsworth, a romantic poet, advocated all the following EXCEPT _______.
①  the use of everyday language spoken by the common people
②  the use of humble and rustic life as subject matter
③  the use of elegant wording and inflated figures of speech
④  the expression of the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings
【单选题】 “Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!—I have as much soul as you,—and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. ” This passage is taken from ________.
①  Emma
②  Wuthering Heights
③  Jane Eyre
④  Pride and Prejudice
【单选题】 John Keats’ famous poem______expresses the contrast between the happy world of natural loveliness and human world of agony.
①  “Endymion”
②  “Ode to a Nightingale”
③  “Ode on a Grecian Urn”
④  “Ode to Psyche”
【单选题】 As to Romanticism, which of the following statements is not right?
①  Romantic poetry is written according to fixed rules.
②  The Romanticists would return to the humble people and the common everyday life for the subjects.
③  The Romanticists not only extol the faculty of imagination, but also elevate the concepts of spontaneity and inspiration.
④  In order to achieve the effect of the individual vision, the medieval or renaissance world were particularly favored by the Romantics
【单选题】 In Tess of the D’Urbervilles, Tess, ______, is at odds with the world of cruelty and inequality.
①  a simple, innocent and faithful country girl
②  a cunning, strong minded and passionate girl
③  a beautiful, natural but mysterious country girl
④  both A and B
【判断题】 Beowulf, the oldest great long poem ever written in English, is composed in a form of epics.
①  正确
②  错误