What does the structural view of language see language?
A system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learner
A communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people
A linguistic system made up of various subsystems
A linguistic system and a means for doing things.
【单选题】 What does the functional view of language see language?
①  A system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learner
②  A communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people
③  A linguistic system made up of various subsystems
④  A a linguistic system and a means for doing things.
【单选题】 What does the interactional view of language see language?
①  A system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learner
②  A communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people
③  A linguistic system made up of various subsystems
④  A linguistic system and a means for doing things.
【单选题】 What are the principles of communicative language teaching?
①  Communication principle, task principle and meaningful principle
②  Communication principle, accuracy principle and meaningful principle
③  Communication principle, fluency principle and meaningful principle
④  Communication principle, task principle and purpose principle.
【单选题】 What is linguistic competence concerned with?
①  Appropriate use of the language in social context
②  Ability to create coherent written text or conversation and the ability to understand them
③  Strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to lack of resources
④  Knowledge of language itself, its form and meaning.
【单选题】 What is the possible solution to bridge the gap between classroom language teaching and real-life language use?
①  Task-based teaching and learning
②  Communicative language teaching
③  Presentation, practice and production
④  Engage
⑤  study
⑥  activate.
【单选题】 What are the five components of communicative competence?
①  Linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence and fluency
②  Linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence and accuracy
③  grammar competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence and fluency
④  grammar competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence and accuracy.
【单选题】 Two things are outstanding in the creation of the English system of canals, and they characterize all theIndustrial Revolution.
①  A.在修建英国运河枢纽工程中,有两点是非常突出的,而这两点正是整个工业革命的特点。
②  B.在修建英国运河网的过程中,有两点是非常突出的,而他们正是整个工业革命的特点。
③  C.在修建英国运河网的过程中,有两点是非常突出的,而这两点正是整个工业革命的特点。
④  D.在修建英国运河枢纽工程中,有两点是非常突出的,而他们正是整个工业革命的特点。
【单选题】 The thieves _____ the possibility of the alarm system sounding
①  overtook
②  overcame
③  overlooked
④  overworked
【判断题】 4.Java系统的标准输入对象是System.in,标准输出对象有两个,分别是标准输出System.out和标准错误输出System.err。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 18.What do you think it is ____made them realize the importance of mastering a second language?
①  what
②  who
③  which
④  that
【单选题】 在角色游戏中,幼儿会以物代物,一根小小的冰糕棍,幼儿可以想象成吃饭的筷子、喝汤的勺子、炒菜的铲子等,这体验了角色游戏的?(? ) 特点。
①  假想性
②  主动性
③  创造性
④  模仿性
【单选题】 (? )是幼儿期最主要、最典型、最有特色的游戏。
①  角色游戏
②  结构游戏
③  规则游戏
④  表演游戏
【单选题】 游戏的(? )特点使游戏既能调动幼儿的积极性,又使游戏对幼儿有强烈的吸引力。
①  主动性
②  虚构性
③  兴趣性
④  形象性
【单选题】 游戏的元交际理论的代表人物是(?? )。
①  贝特森
②  伯莱因
③  弗洛伊德
④  霍尔
【单选题】 在人类历史上第一次严肃地思考并解释了儿童游戏的原因与意义的是(? )。
①  精神分析学派的游戏理论
②  经典的游戏理论
③  认知发展学派的游戏理论
④  社会文化历史学派的游戏理论
【单选题】 在经典游戏理论中,拉察鲁斯和帕特里克提出的学说是(?? )。
①  剩余精力说
②  元交际理论
③  前练习说
④  松弛说
【单选题】 规则游戏大量出现在(? )。
①  婴儿期
②  幼儿早期
③  幼儿中期
④  幼儿末期
【单选题】 在充分利用材料的外形特点来设计和制作玩教具,保持所用材料的外形,只对其进行简单的加工和装饰。这在玩教具的制作中,使用的是(?? )加工方法。
①  变形法
②  原型法
③  组合法
④  创新法
【单选题】 在自制玩教具的过程中,让幼儿意识到可以通过自己的行动来节约资源、保护环境、变废为宝,这体现了幼儿自制玩教具过程中(?? )原则?
①  艺术性
②  科学性
③  可持续性发展
④  教育性
【单选题】 对于0-2岁的幼儿来说,以下哪种玩具不适合?(?? )
①  发声玩具
②  推拉玩具
③  图书玩具
④  童话表演玩具