What are the listening and speaking activities in traditional pedagogy?
A. Listen to texts either read by the teacher or pre-recorded on the tape; repeat what is heard
Answer the questions according to what is heard; produce responses based on given clues
Retell what is heard
All of the above.
【简答题】 What are peoples responses to Amys experience?
【单选题】 What are the possible roles of a teacher?
①  Controller, assessor
②  Organizer, prompter
③  Participant, resource-provider
④  All of the above.
【单选题】 What is the function of optional activities?
①  Backups in case the lesson goes too fast and there are a few minutes left
②  Prepared for good students
③  Prepared for bad students
④  Used for emergency.
【单选题】 What role does a teacher play in the following activity? The teacher asks students to produce conversations (either orally or in writing) by using particular patterns or expressions they have just learned.
①  Controller
②  Assessor
③  Organizer
④  Prompter.
【单选题】 What are two grammar practice activities?
①  Mechanical practice and meaningful practice
②  Volume practice and communicative practice
③  Interest practice and meaningful practice
④  Mechanical practice and success oriented practice.
【单选题】 What role does a teacher play in the following activity? The teacher gives students 2 minutes to skim a text, and when time is up, he asks students to stop and answer some questions.
①  Controller
②  Assessor
③  Organizer
④  Prompter
【单选题】 What qualities are considered good qualities of a good teacher?
①  Kind, humorous, well informed
②  Hard working, disciplined
③  Well prepared, dynamic and patient
④  All of the above
【单选题】 2. Listen to the two girls by the window. What language _________?
①  didyouspeak
②  weretheyspeaking
③  aretheyspeaking
④  havetheybeenspeaking
【单选题】 5.It is not how much you read but what you read that really _________.
①  counts
②  loses
③  argues
④  widens
【单选题】 It is what you do rather than what you say ___ matters.
①  that
②  what
③  which
④  this
【单选题】 细胞兴奋时,共有的特征是产生
①  动作电位
②  肌肉收缩
③  腺体分泌
【单选题】 甲状腺激素合成过程中的一个关键物质是
【单选题】 化学突触传递的物质是
①  激素
②  离子
③  神经递质
【单选题】 B淋巴细胞的主要与哪种形式的免疫有关
①  体液免疫
②  细胞免疫
③  黏膜免疫
【单选题】 二氧化碳在血液中运输的主要方式是
①  物理溶解
②  形成碳酸氢盐
③  形成氨基甲酰血红蛋白
【单选题】 载体的化学本质是
①  糖类
②  脂类
③  蛋白质
【单选题】 加压素的作用是
①  促进生长
②  促进肾脏对水的重吸收
③  促进肾脏对葡萄糖的重吸收
【单选题】 感受器换能作用是把刺激的能量转化成
①  电信号
②  化学信号
③  机械信号
【单选题】 正常家畜血液pH的大致范围是
①  6.35~6.45
②  7.35~7.45
③  8.35~8.45
【单选题】 牛的胎盘是
①  弥散型胎盘
②  子叶型胎盘
③  圆盘型胎盘