When is appropriate for the teacher to give classroom instructions to students?
Give directions to tasks or activities, checking comprehension, giving feedback
Providing explanations to a concept or language structure, drawing attention
Setting requirements, checking comprehension, assigning homework
All of the above.
【多选题】 When checking in at the airport,we should
①  seat select
②  baggage check
③  get boarding pass
【单选题】 When checking in, you need to show your ticket and ______.
①  import
②  export
③  passport
④  transport
【单选题】 Why do novice teacher often have problems giving clear instructions?
①  Their language proficiency is low
②  They are fresh from the university
③  Their instructions are too short
④  They are not able to target their instructions to the level of the learners.
【单选题】 The teacher asked ______ students to do homework ourselves.
①  the
②  his
③  some
④  us
【单选题】 The doctors give the students a medical____ for their health once a year.
①  inspection
②  investigation
③  experiment
④  examination
【单选题】 A kind teacher always takes a very _______ attitude when correcting students’ mistakes.
①  negative
②  partial
③  potential
④  positive
【判断题】 Language variation is selected in a community above the level of conscious awareness when speakers are not consciously aware that they are making choices among variations.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 What role does a teacher play in the following activity? The teacher gives students 2 minutes to skim a text, and when time is up, he asks students to stop and answer some questions.
①  Controller
②  Assessor
③  Organizer
④  Prompter
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with thephrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[set off; after all; attach to; burst into laughter; lean against; teach...a lesson; take off; come to sense; give in to]3. When I say to[填空1]in military language, you know what that means!
【单选题】 In a room above the store, where a party __________,some workers were busily setting the table.
①  was to be held
②  has been held
③  will be held
④  is being held
【多选题】 主要产品单位产品表反映的单位成本包括( )。
①  本月实际
②  历史先进水平
③  本年计划
④  同行业同类产品实际
【多选题】 多品种生产的情况下,影响可比产品成本降低额变动的因素有( )。
①  产品产量
②  产品单位成本
③  产品价格
④  产品品种结构
【多选题】 下列关于成本计算平行结转分步法的表述中,正确的有(  )。
①  不必逐步结转半成品成本
②  各步骤可以同时计算产品成本
③  能提供各个步骤半成品的成本资料
④  能直接提供按原始成本项目反映的产成品成本资料
【多选题】 成本计算方法应根据( )来确定。
①  产品产量
②  生产组织的特点
③  生产工艺的特点
④  成本管理要求
【多选题】 采用约当产量比例法分配完工产品和在产品费用,适用于( )产品。
①  月末在产品数量不大
②  月末在产品数量较大
③  产品成本中各项费用所占比重相差不多
④  各月在产品数量变动较大
【多选题】 下列各项中,关于品种法的表述正确的有( )。
①  广泛适用与单步骤、大量大批生产的企业
②  广泛适用于单件小批生产的企业
③  定期计算产品成本
④  成本核算对象是产品品种
【多选题】 产品成本计算的分批法适用于( )。
①  单件小批类型的生产
②  小批单步骤
③  小批量,管理上不需要分生产步骤计算产品成本的多步骤
④  大量大批的单步骤
【多选题】 下列各项中,关于分批法的表述正确的有( )。
①  成本计算期与产品生产周期基本一致
②  一般不需在完工产品和在产品之间分配成本
③  以产品的批别作为成本核算对象
④  需要计算和结转各步骤产品的生产成本
【多选题】 采用约当产量比例法,必须正确计算在产品的约当产量,而在产品约当产量计算正确与否取决于产品完工程度的测定,测定在产品完工程度的方法有( )。
①  按50%平均计算各工序完工率
②  分工序分别计算完工率
③  按定额比例法计算
④  按定额工时计算
【多选题】 在确定生产费用在完工产品与在产品之间分配的方法时,应考虑的因素有( )。
①  各月末在产品数量变化的大小
②  在产品数量的多少
③  定额管理基础的好坏
④  各项费用比重的大小