What role does a teacher play in the following activity? T: do you have any hobbies? S: yes, I like singing and dancing. T: Uhm, and...? S: I also collect coins. T: Oh, really, how many...have you already...collected?
【单选题】 8.Do you have any idea what he meant? I really can’t ______ what he said at this morning’s meeting.
①  figure on
②  figure out
③  find out
④  find
【单选题】 What role does a teacher play in the following activity? The teacher asks a student a question “Have you ever bought clothes with problems?” If the student doesn’t seem to be ready, the teacher says “for example, a shirt without...” and points to the buttons on his own shirt or jacket.
①  Controller
②  Assessor
③  Organizer
④  Prompter.
【单选题】 What role does a teacher play in the following activity? When a student has made a sentence with borrow, “I borrowed a paper to write a letter”, the teacher says, “Well, we don’t say a paper, we say a piece of paper.”
①  Controller
②  Assessor
③  Organizer
④  Prompter.
【单选题】 What role does a teacher play in the following activity? The teacher asks students to produce conversations (either orally or in writing) by using particular patterns or expressions they have just learned.
①  Controller
②  Assessor
③  Organizer
④  Prompter.
【单选题】 What role does a teacher play in the following activity? When the students have in groups decided where to go for a spring outing, the teacher asks each group to tell the others why they have made such a choice.
①  Controller
②  Assessor
③  Organizer
④  Prompter.
【单选题】 What role does a teacher play in the following activity? While doing a writing task either individually or in groups, the students need to use a particular word they don’t know. So they ask the teacher.
①  Controller
②  Assessor
③  participant
④  Resource-provider.
【单选题】 ——How did you like Nick’s performance last night ?—— To be honest ,his singing didn’t ________to be much?
①  appeal
②  refer
③  belong
④  occur
【单选题】 -May I help you?-___. Do you have any apple juice?
①  Sure
②  Thank you
③  No, thanks
④  I don’t think so
【单选题】 What role does a teacher play in the following activity? The teacher has a word in his mind and asks students to guess by asking only Yes/No questions until they make the correct guess.
①  Controller
②  Assessor
③  participant
④  Resource-provider.
【单选题】 Jane: I’d like to have some ice cream if you don’t mind. Man: ____. Help yourself.?
①  of course ?
②  Yes, I do ?
③  Oh, yes ?
④  Of course not?
【单选题】 测试混凝土立方体抗压强度时,在一定范围内,加载速度越快,测得的强度( )。
①  越高
②  越低
③  相等
④  无关
【单选题】 结构的设计使用年限是指( )。
①  设计规定的结构或结构构件不需进行大修即可按其预定目的使用的时期
②  为确定可变作用及与时间有关的材料性能等取值而选用的时间参数
③  结构的使用寿命
④  结构最小使用年限
【单选题】 材料强度标准值是指具有不小于()的保证率的材料强度值。
①  90%
②  97.73%
③  95%
④  97.5%
【单选题】 双筋矩形截面受弯构件中,为使受压钢筋的强度能充分发挥,其应变不应小于().
①  0.001
②  0.002
③  0.0033
④  0.003
【单选题】 混凝土立方体抗压强度标准值是由混凝土立方体试块测得的,以下关于龄期和保证率的表述中,正确的是()。
①  龄期为21d,保证率为90%
②  龄期为21d,保证率为95%
③  龄期为28d,保证率为95%
④  龄期为28d,保证率为90%
【单选题】 减小混凝土收缩,以下措施最有效的是()。
①  增加水泥用量
②  采用高强度等级水泥
③  增大水胶比
④  振捣密实,加强养护
【单选题】 下列不属于结构抗力表现形式的是( )。
①  承载力
②  荷载
③  刚度
④  抗裂度
【单选题】 材料强度设计值( )其标准值。
①  大于
②  等于
③  小于
④  不确定
【简答题】 <img title="6.jpg" alt="6.jpg" src="https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/FB799E301C2A84AE4D1E4EC2EFBBC4E6.jpg"/>
【简答题】 <img src="https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/F531DE049907AB1B5308672A6437F770.png" title="5.png" alt="5.png"/>