As to Romanticism, which of the following statements is not right?
Romantic poetry is written according to fixed rules.
The Romanticists would return to the humble people and the common everyday life for the subjects.
The Romanticists not only extol the faculty of imagination, but also elevate the concepts of spontaneity and inspiration.
In order to achieve the effect of the individual vision, the medieval or renaissance world were particularly favored by the Romantics.
【单选题】 As to Romanticism, which of the following statements is not right?
①  Romantic poetry is written according to fixed rules.
②  The Romanticists would return to the humble people and the common everyday life for the subjects.
③  The Romanticists not only extol the faculty of imagination, but also elevate the concepts of spontaneity and inspiration.
④  In order to achieve the effect of the individual vision, the medieval or renaissance world were particularly favored by the Romantics
【单选题】 Which of following can be said of the common features which are shared by the English and American Romanticists?
①  An increasing emphasis on the free expression of emotions.
②  An increasing attention to the psychic states of their characters.
③  An increasing emphasis on the desire to return to nature.
④  Both A and B.
【单选题】 About the novel The Scarlet Letter, which of the following statements is NOT right?
①  Its very hard to say that it is a love story or a story of sin.
②  Its a highly symbolic story and the author is a master of symbolism.
③  Its mainly about the moral, emotional and psychological effects of the sin upon the main characters and the people in general.
④  In it the letter A takes the same symbolic meaning throughout the novel.
【单选题】 Which of the following is not written by Henry James?
①  Daisy Miller
②  The Wings of the Dove
③  The American
④  Self-Reliance
【单选题】 Which of the following is not written by Herman Melville? ____
①  Typee and Omoo
②  Mardi and White Jacket
③  The Bostonians and American Tragedy
④  Moby-Dick and Pierre
【单选题】 Not only the society but also the people in it ______.
①  has changed
②  have changed
③  have been changed
④  has been changed
【单选题】 37. 1000 guests were all found ____in the room which only ___800 people.
①  seat;seat
②  hold;hold
③  hold;seat
④  seated;hold
【单选题】 He said he would continue a support us we didn’t break the rules.
①  as well as
②  as soon as
③  as far as
④  as long as
【单选题】 He said he would continue a support us _____ we didn’t break the rules.
①  as well as
②  as soon as
③  as far as
④  as long as
【单选题】 In Dreiser’s Sister Carrie, which of the following statements is NOT true about the characters in the story?
①  At the end of the story, Hurstwood’sfamily are enjoying a happy life without him.
②  Being unable to make a decent living, Hurstwood at last commits suicide.
③  In spite of her success as a famous actress Carrie does not feel happy.
④  Carrie becomes rich and helps Hurstwood out of his difficulty.
【判断题】 Dreamweaver行为实际上是一段内置的HTML代码。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 创建一个层,下列哪些属性项是层属性可以设置的?
①  左、上
②  宽、高
③  背景颜色
④  Z轴
【多选题】 在Dreamweaver中,可以向网页中插入的多媒体格式有?
①  Shockwave
②  ActiveX
③  Applet程序
④  只有A和C
【多选题】 超级链接是网页中最重要的组成元素,关于创建链接下列叙述正确的是?
①  选中文本,在其属性栏就会出现链接框,输入文件地址即可创建
②  选中文本或图像,选择右键菜单中的“创建链接”命令
③  一幅图片可以创建多个超级链接
④  也可以给空格创建超级链接
【多选题】 以下应用可以利用表单功能设计实现的有?
①  用户注册
②  浏览数据库记录
③  网上订购
④  用户登录
【多选题】 在Dreamweaver中,关于框架的描述,正确的是?
①  框架是指在一个浏览器窗口下将网页分割成几个不同区域的形式
②  框架可实现在一个浏览器窗口中显示多个HTML页面
③  一个框架结构中最多可以有3个子框架
④  框架结构由框架和框架集两部分构成
【多选题】 表单的工作过程包括了?
①  访问者在浏览有表单的网页时,可填写必须的信息,然后单击“提交”按钮
②  信息通过Internet传送到服务器上
③  服务器上专门的程序对数据进行处理,如果有错误会返回错误信息,并要求纠正错误
④  当数据完整无误后,服务器反馈一个输入完成信息
【多选题】 在Dreamweaver 中,行为是由哪些元素构成的?
①  事件
②  动作
③  对象
④  表单
【多选题】 网页中常用的图像格式有?
①  gif
②  jpeg
③  png
④  bmp
【多选题】 网页中,层可以用来放置哪些元素?
①  动画
②  表单
③  图像
④  小插件