The Transcendentalist group includes two of the most significant writers America has produced so far, Emerson and ________.
Washington Irving
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Henry David Thoreau
Walt Whitman
【判断题】 The Transcendentalist group includes two of the most significant writers America has produced so far, Emerson and Henry David Thoreau.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The guard has been asked to_______the door, but so far the door is still closed.
①  open
②  opening
③  be opened
【单选题】 At that time, the committee, so far as I know, _______ of three scientists, two professors, and four senior engineers.
①  composed
②  comprised
③  consisted
④  made up
【单选题】 As a great innovator in American literature, Walt Whitman wrote his poetry in an unconventional style which is now called free verse, which is ______.
①  lyrical poetry with chanting refrains
②  poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme
③  poetry without rhymes at the end of the lines but with a fixed beat
④  poetry in an irregular metric form and expressing noble feelings
【单选题】 The essence of Renaissance, the most significant intellectual movement, was_____.
①  Geographical exploration
②  Religious reformation
③  Publishing and translation
④  Humanism.
【单选题】 The essence of Renaissance, the most significant intellectual movement, was_____.
①  Geographical exploration
②  Religious reformation
③  Publishing and translation
④  Humanism
【判断题】 The essence of Renaissance, the most significant intellectual movement, was Humanism.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 This book has been in the works so long that I have lost _____of most of the sources found for me by the staff of the library.
①  trace
②  trail
③  track
④  touch
【单选题】 America has a lot of _______ weapons now.
①  aggressive
②  expensive
③  passive
④  expressive
【单选题】 ______ semantics is the interface between lexicology and semantics. It is the most significant part of lexicology and is also the most robust in semantics.
①  sentence
②  lexical
③  discourse
④  general
【判断题】 现代冲突理论认为,冲突是完全可以避免的
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 与计划有偏差是正常的
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 控制工作得以开展的前提条件是()
①  建立控制标准
②  分析偏差原因
③  采取矫正措施
④  明确问题性质
【单选题】 矩阵制组织形式的采用容易破坏管理的( )
①  统一指挥原则
②  权责一致原则
③  跳板原则
④  分工原则
【单选题】 从某种意义上讲,组织就是一个信息沟通网络,处在这个信息网络中心并对网络的畅通有责任的人是( )
①  高层管理者
②  信息系统管理员
③  一线员工
④  主管人员
【单选题】 权变管理理论的提出基于以下哪种设想( )
①  经济人
②  社会人
③  复杂人
④  自我实现人
【单选题】 在下列因素中,不属于激励因素的是( )
①  职业安定
②  工作富有挑战性
③  工作技能的提高
④  职务晋升
【单选题】 某拉面馆连锁集团公司收购了两家肉食品公司,这是一个哪个选项的实例( )
①  生产一体化
②  前向一体化
③  后向一体化
④  水平一体化
【单选题】 很多管理者都认为:处在成长中危机的小企业应当学习如何强化管理的秩序,而面临发展中危机的大企业则更要思考如何激发组织的变革和革新。 对此,你的评价是:( )
①  企业管理应当纳入制度化,规范化的轨道
②  企业管理的首要问题在于创新
③  以上看法显示,变革型和事务型管理相辅相承与相结合的趋势
④  小企业的重点是发展可务型管理,大企业的重点是开展变革型管理
【单选题】 当企业资金雄厚、技术先进、管理规范、人员素质整齐,而同时外部有良好机会时,可以采用下面哪一项战略( )
①  增长型战略
②  多种经营战略
③  扭转型战略
④  防御型战略