The giant Moby Dick may symbolize all EXCEPT ______.
mystery of the universe
sin of the whale
power of the Great Nature
evil of the world
【判断题】 In the novel Moby Dick, the rebellious struggle of Captain Ahab was thought to be against the white whale.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 In the novel Moby Dick, the rebellious struggle of Captain Ahab was thought to be against ____.
①  the white whale
②  the gliding great demon of the seas of life
③  the overwhelming, mysterious vastness of the universe and the awesome forces
④  the savage harpooners and the motley crew
【单选题】 Young people who have got jobs may realize university lessons cant be the only preparation for all of the situations ________ appear in the working world.
①  where
②  when
③  that
④  what
【单选题】 William Wordsworth, a romantic poet, advocated all the following EXCEPT _______.
①  the use of everyday language spoken by the common people
②  the use of humble and rustic life as subject matter
③  the use of elegant wording and inflated figures of speech
④  the expression of the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings
【单选题】 26. It was _____ great shock to the world that two airplanes crashed into _____ World Trade Centre in New York on Sept.11.
①  a;/
②  the;the
③  a;the
④  /;the
【单选题】 Once ____, this power station will supply all the neighboring towns and villages with electricity.
①  it being completed
②  it completed
③  completed
④  it completes
【单选题】 Once _____, this power station will supply all the neighboring towns and villages with electricity.
①  it being completed
②  it completed
③  completed
④  it completes
【单选题】 The Nazi regime is devoid ______ all theme and principle except appetite and racial domination.
①  of
②  away
③  from
④  for
【判断题】 Tourists from all over the world love to buy clothes in Hongkong
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The 20th century has witnessed a great achievement in English poetry and novel, which are mainly represented by the following except ____.
①  Thomas Hardy
②  Ezra Pound
③  T. S. Eliot
④  Robert Browning
【单选题】 ()是智慧的翅膀,有了智慧的翅膀,人才能飞得高、飞得远。对于专业技术人员来说,要努力展开想象的翅膀,在智慧的天空中展翅翱翔。
①  注意力
②  想象力
③  记忆力
【单选题】 《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》突出的重点是()。
①  新民主主义革命时期
②  社会主义革命和建设时期
③  改革开放和社会主义现代化建设新时期
④  中国特色社会主义新时代
【单选题】 面向贫困村、软弱涣散村和集体经济薄弱村党组织派出()。
①  第二书记
②  指导员
③  辅导员
④  第一书记
【多选题】 社会主义和谐社会的基本特征是()。(多选)
①  效率优先兼顾公平
②  民主法治公平正义
③  诚信友爱充满活力
④  安定有序人与自然和谐相处的社会
【多选题】 坚持把科技自立自强作为国家发展的战略支撑,就要面向(),深入实施科教兴国战略、人才强国战略、创新驱动发展战略。(多选)
①  世界科技前沿
②  经济主战场
③  国家重大需求
④  人民生命健康
【单选题】 密码学的目的是(? )
①  研究数据加密
②  研究数据解密
③  研究数据保密
④  研究信息安全
【单选题】 人应该尊重权威,但不能迷信权威,受制于权威定式,必须保持创新思维的(? ),对进入意识范围内的权威先来一番彻底的审查。
①  唯一性和客观性
②  实践性和能动性
③  灵活性和新颖性
④  理论性和实践性
【单选题】 乡村振兴(? )是关键。
①  发展
②  创新
③  土地
④  人才
【单选题】 优秀的专业技术人员总是带着问题去考虑工作,强烈的(?? )是思维的动力,这一意识能促使他们去发现问题,解决问题,直至创新。
①  问题意识
②  忧患意识
③  创新意识
④  行动意识
【单选题】 (? )产生于人们的创新实践活动,受到创新实践的检验,并在创新实践中获得发展。同时又指导着人们的创新实践活动,推动着人们的创新实践活动,升华着人们的创新实践活动。
①  实践观念
②  创新观念
③  创新理论
④  创新理念