As a great innovator in American literature, Walt Whitman wrote his poetry in an unconventional style which is now called free verse, which is ______.
lyrical poetry with chanting refrains
poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme
poetry without rhymes at the end of the lines but with a fixed beat
poetry in an irregular metric form and expressing noble feelings
【单选题】 The 20th century has witnessed a great achievement in English poetry and novel, which are mainly represented by the following except ____.
①  Thomas Hardy
②  Ezra Pound
③  T. S. Eliot
④  Robert Browning
【单选题】 _____ is the father of English poetry.
①  Edmund Spenser
②  William Shakespeare
③  Francis Bacon
④  Geoffrey Chaucer
【判断题】 Geoffrey Chaucer is the father of English poetry.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Jean Wagner’s most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American poetry is his insistence that it ____ in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference.
①  is to be analysed
②  has been analysed
③  be analysed
④  should have been analysed
【单选题】 Some Italian scholars stressed the study of grammar, rhetoric, ____and poetry.
①  learning history
②  history
③  study of history
④  history learning
【单选题】 Which of following can be said of the common features which are shared by the English and American Romanticists?
①  An increasing emphasis on the free expression of emotions.
②  An increasing attention to the psychic states of their characters.
③  An increasing emphasis on the desire to return to nature.
④  Both A and B.
【单选题】 He told me how he had given me shelter and protection without which I __________ of hunger.
①  would be died
②  would die
③  would have died
④  will die
【单选题】 If the scheme is _____carried out without waste of time or energy I shall be completely satisfied.
①  relatively
②  noticeably
③  appropriately
④  efficiently
【单选题】 The Romantic Period in American literature stretches from the end of the 18th century to the outbreak of _________.
①  the Revolutionary War
②  the Civil War
③  the War for Independence
④  World War
【单选题】 Dave ____ into the house without ____ out by his parents.
①  slipped; finding
②  slips; finding
③  slips; to be found
④  slipped; being found
【单选题】 ()第一次突破了把计划经济同商品经济对立起来的传统观念,提出了社会主义经济是“公有制基础上的有计划的商品经济”的论断。
①  A 十一届三中全会
②  B 十一届六中全会
③  C 十二届三中全会
④  D 中共十二大
【单选题】 ()时候明确指出:我们要在21世纪的头20年,集中力量,全面建设惠及十几亿人口的更高水平的小康社会。
①  A 十五届三中全会
②  B 十五届五中全会
③  C 中共十六大
④  D 中共十八大
【单选题】 ()把科学发展观确定为党的指导思想。
①  A 中共十五大会议
②  B 中共十六届三中全会
③  C 中共十七大会议
④  D 中共十八大会议
【判断题】 毛泽东的《实践论》《矛盾论》代表了当时党内哲学理念的新高度。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 毛泽东思想都是正确的,毛泽东的思想则有正确和错误之分。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 毛泽东在对实事求是进行科学界定时,指出“是”就是客观存在的一切事物 。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 毛泽东在党的七大报告中正式确立了实事求是思想路线的指导作用。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 个体农业和个体手工业都不具有私有制性质。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 对历史人物的评价,要做到追究个人责任与分析犯错误的原因并重。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 中国社会在不同阶段的主要矛盾决定了当时社会的性质。
①  正确
②  错误