Who exerts the single most important influence on literary naturalism, of which Theodore Dreiser and Jack London are among the best representative writers?
W. D. Howells
【单选题】 The most important representatives of American transcendentalism, which once flourished in New England as a philosophical and literary movement, are _________.
①  Edgar Poe and James Cooper
②  Emerson and Whitman
③  Hawthorne and Melville
④  Emerson and Thoreau
【单选题】 The Transcendentalist group includes two of the most significant writers America has produced so far, Emerson and ________.
①  Washington Irving
②  Nathaniel Hawthorne
③  Henry David Thoreau
④  Walt Whitman
【单选题】 ______ is not the representative writer in the Age of Realism in the literary history of the United States.
①  Henry James
②  Ezra Pound
③  William Dean Howells
④  Mark Twain
【判断题】 The Transcendentalist group includes two of the most significant writers America has produced so far, Emerson and Henry David Thoreau.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 12.Among these articles, which do you think are most ______ to interest our students?
①  competent
②  likely
③  awkward
④  unexpected
【单选题】 Most of the runners in the London Marathon are raising money ( ).
①  in return
②  out of curiosity
③  for charity
④  on duty
【单选题】 _____ had an evident influence on naturalism. It seemed to stress the animality of man, to suggest that he was dominated by the irresistible forces of evolution.
①  Transcendentalism
②  Darwinism
③  Marxism
④  Freudianism
【单选题】 In Dreiser’s Sister Carrie, which of the following statements is NOT true about the characters in the story?
①  At the end of the story, Hurstwood’sfamily are enjoying a happy life without him.
②  Being unable to make a decent living, Hurstwood at last commits suicide.
③  In spite of her success as a famous actress Carrie does not feel happy.
④  Carrie becomes rich and helps Hurstwood out of his difficulty.
【单选题】 Which kind of room do you ( ), a single or a double?
①  preference
②  prefer
③  preferential
④  performance
【判断题】 A: Hello, could I speak to Jack, please? B: Who are you?
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 <img src= title=_}F3G{03PIRX52DA@6)Z$ED.png alt=_}F3G{03PIRX52DA@6)Z$ED.png/>
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 <img src= title=`}6M43VF82[{)4]C27EMDMU.png alt=`}6M43VF82[{)4]C27EMDMU.png/>
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 <img src= title=$(XJ7)X65IZI~]$0SRF_IQ4.png alt=$(XJ7)X65IZI~]$0SRF_IQ4.png/>
①  A
②  B
③  C
④  D
【判断题】 分段函数一般不是初等函数。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 f (x)的任一原函数G (x)都可表示为F (x) + c的形式.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 单调函数的导数也是单调的。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列比例当中表示缩小比例的是( )。
①  2:1
②  1:1
③  1:2
【单选题】 下列比例当中表示放大比例的是( )。
①  1:2
②  1:1
③  2:1
【单选题】 根据图所示AB、CD直线和P、Q平面,AB、CD直线的侧面投影应标记为( )。<img src= title=2.png alt=2.png/>
①  ab、cd
②  a’b’、c’d’
③  AB、CD
④  a”b”、c”d”
【单选题】 根据图1所示AB、CD直线和P、Q平面,平面P在侧面投影面上的投影具有积聚性,因此称之为( )。<img src= title=2.png alt=2.png/>
①  侧垂面
②  铅垂面
③  正垂面
④  一般位置平面