Which of the following is not written by Henry James?
Daisy Miller
The Wings of the Dove
The American
【单选题】 Which of the following is not written by Herman Melville? ____
①  Typee and Omoo
②  Mardi and White Jacket
③  The Bostonians and American Tragedy
④  Moby-Dick and Pierre
【单选题】 Which of following can be said of the common features which are shared by the English and American Romanticists?
①  An increasing emphasis on the free expression of emotions.
②  An increasing attention to the psychic states of their characters.
③  An increasing emphasis on the desire to return to nature.
④  Both A and B.
【单选题】 Stylistically, Henry James’ fiction is characterized by ________.
①  highly refined language
②  ordinary American speech
③  short, clear sentences
④  abundance of local images
【单选题】 In his masterpiece The Portrait of A Lady, Henry James _________.
①  incarnates the clash between the Old World and the New in the life journey of an American girl in a European cultural environment
②  tells a story about a young and innocent American confronting the complexity of the European life as well as the American society
③  describes a young American girl who gets “killed” by the winter in Rome
④  tells about some Europeans who learn with difficulty to adapt themselves to the American life
【单选题】 The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling written by Henry Fielding is a/an __________
①  Essay
②  Novel
③  Prose
④  Poem
【单选题】 In Henry James’ The Portrait of A Lady, the author tries to portray the young woman as an embodiment of ______.
①  the force of convention
②  the free spirit of the New World
③  the decline of aristocracy
④  the corruption of the newly rich
【判断题】 The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling written by Henry Fielding is a/an Essay.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 James Fraser ____ tradition by using three actual American Indians as models for his creation.
①  went out
②  went for
③  went in
④  went against
【单选题】 Which of the following statement is not true?
①  Grammatical competence is essential for communication
②  There is a positive role of instruction for grammar learning
③  Grammar teaching can enhance learner proficiency
④  Grammar learning is completely useless for children.
【单选题】 As to Romanticism, which of the following statements is not right?
①  Romantic poetry is written according to fixed rules.
②  The Romanticists would return to the humble people and the common everyday life for the subjects.
③  The Romanticists not only extol the faculty of imagination, but also elevate the concepts of spontaneity and inspiration.
④  In order to achieve the effect of the individual vision, the medieval or renaissance world were particularly favored by the Romantics.
【单选题】 五常法中不包括( )
①  常组织
②  常整顿
③  常交流
④  常清洁
⑤  常自律
【单选题】 在现代管理工具中,将各个项目从最主要到最次要的顺序排列的是( )
①  柏拉图
②  调查表
③  流程图
④  直方图
⑤  因果图
【单选题】 护理质量的核心是( )
①  医嘱执行是否及时、准确
②  工作效率及操作水平
③  健康教育落实程度
④  心理护理满意程度
⑤  保障病人安全
【单选题】 肝性脑病的最凶险的分型是( )
①  A型 肝性脑病伴急性肝衰
②  B型 肝性脑病伴门体旁路
③  C型 肝性脑病伴肝硬化和门脉高压和/或门体分流
④  没有最凶险的分型
⑤  目前尚未查明
【单选题】 ( )显著降低肝硬化上消化道出血患者OHE的发生率
①  氨基酸
②  乳果糖
③  利福昔明
④  门冬氨酸-鸟氨酸
⑤  氟马西尼
【单选题】 可以作为预防显性肝性脑病复发的有效辅助治疗药物是( )
①  乳果糖
②  利福昔明
③  氟马西尼
④  门冬氨酸-鸟氨酸
⑤  谷氨酸盐
【单选题】 肝性脑病患者首选( )
①  肠内营养
②  肠外营养
③  加大蛋白质的摄入
④  手术治疗
⑤  药物治疗
【单选题】 下列( )不属于肝性脑病的治疗原则
①  去除诱因
②  减少肠道毒物生成与吸收
③  根治肝性脑病
④  促进有毒物质的代谢清除
⑤  适当营养支持及维持水电解质平衡
【单选题】 慢性肝病患者一旦发生肝性脑病,则预后不良,其1年生存率低于( )
①  10%
②  20%
③  30%
④  40%
⑤  50%
【单选题】 护理质量的指标是( )
①  目标的具体化
②  科学的管理
③  护理质量敏感指标
④  积极的工作态度
⑤  良好的护患关系