【简答题】 建设工程监理费由监理[填空]、[填空]、[填空]、和[填空]四部分构成
【简答题】 根据系统的一般模型,系统应包括[填空]、[填空]和[填空]三部分。
【简答题】 语素的主要作用是构词,根据其构词作用可分[填空]?、[填空]?、[填空]?三部分。
【简答题】 楼梯主要由梯段;[填空(1)]和[填空(2)]三部分组成
【单选题】 会议方案,常常由标题、正文和( )三部分构成。
①  称谓
②  结尾
③  落款
【填空题】 汉语的音节可分为声母、韵母、[填空1]三部分
【简答题】 前照灯由反射镜、配光镜和[填空]三部分组成
【简答题】 变换型数据流图是由输入、[填空]和输出三部分组成的。
【多选题】 弗洛伊德认为人格是由( )三部分构成。
①  本能
②  本我
③  自我
④  超我
【简答题】 人类饮食文明三部曲是指[填空]、[填空]、[填空]
【单选题】 There were two small rooms in the house, _______ served as a bathroom.
①  the smallest of which
②  the smallest of them
③  the smaller of which
④  smallest of that
【单选题】 The young people are _____ of their responsibility toward society.
①  consistent
②  conscious
③  sensitive
④  sensual
【单选题】 Did the medicine make you feel better?No. The more _______, _______ I feel.
①  medicine I take; and the worse
②  medicine I take; the worse
③  I take medicine; the worse
④  I take medicine; worse
【单选题】 Large fish usually _____ small fish.
①  gather
②  take on
③  feed on
④  organize
【单选题】 I often ______ the cooking for my family, but recently I have been too busy to do it.
①  will do
②  do
③  am doing
④  had done
【单选题】 The plane was about to _________, and yet l left my ticket behind.
①  take on
②  take off
③  take up
④  take in
【单选题】 Global warming threatens the _______ of the whole human race.
①  summit
②  superiority
③  survival
④  status
【单选题】 So little ____ with each other that the neighbors could not settle their difference.
①  agreed did they
②  did they agree
③  they agree
④  they did agree
【单选题】 Putting in a new window will _____ cutting away part of the roof.
①  include
②  involve
③  contain
④  comprise
【判断题】 判断线上的内容是否正确:It is generally considered unwise to give a child ____whatever____ he or she wants.
①  正确
②  错误