【单选题】 扫描仪后侧有一个锁,是什么锁?( )
①  运输锁
②  防护所
③  平行锁
④  安全锁
【判断题】 螺纹联接是可拆联接。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在螺纹联接中最常用的螺纹牙型是()
①  锯齿形螺纹
②  矩形螺纹
③  三角形螺纹
④  梯形螺纹
【多选题】 常见的螺纹联接形式有()。
①  键联接
②  螺柱连接
③  销连接
④  螺栓连接
⑤  螺钉连接
【多选题】 联接螺纹发生松动的原因()。
①  A.温度变化
②  B.振动
③  C.冲击
④  D.交变载荷
【单选题】 提高螺纹联接强度的途径是( )
①  BCD全部正确
②  减少或避免附加应力或减轻应力集中
③  降低受轴向变载荷的螺栓总拉伸载荷Q的变化范围
④  改进制造工艺
【简答题】 什么是生产者均衡?条件是什么?
【单选题】 用于联接的螺纹牙型为三角形,这是因为三角形螺纹()。
①  牙根强度高,自锁性能好
②  传动效率高
③  防震性能好
④  自锁性能差
【单选题】 用于联接的螺纹牙型为三角形,这是因为三角形螺纹______。
①  牙根强度高,自锁性能好
②  传动效率高
③  防震性能好
④  自锁性能差
【单选题】 决定能否复种的关键条件是什么?
①  热量
②  水分
③  肥料
④  地力
【单选题】 Due to the increasing aging population in China, demand the caregivers will continue to rise.
①  with
②  of
③  for
④  and
【单选题】 Young people ______ 62% of University teaching staff.
①  comprise
②  compose
③  contain
【单选题】 —Our son has picked up some bad habits recently, and I am really worried about it.— .
①  Yes, they have some bad habits.
②  Cheer up. I believe he will overcome it.
③  Well, he like drawing.
【单选题】 — As we all know, the invention of the Internet was a great breakthrough in human history. ___________?— Yes, of course.
①  What is your opinion
②  Do you know the reason
③  Do you think so
④  what do you think?
【单选题】 The caregivers hope the elderly people will soon.(考点:recover)
①  regain
②  restore
③  recover
④  refeel
【单选题】 —Do you have much experience with caring for babies?— .
①  Yes, I do. I am responsible, loving, warm girl, and often take care of kids in my free time.
②  No, you are freshmen. You should work hard.
③  Yes, they are. They are very cute.
【单选题】 —Linda, what’s wrong with your grandmother?— .
①  She is not retired
②  She hurt her leg.
③  She got a new house.
④  She got a new book.
【单选题】 The better the elderly people are known, they are.
①  the happier
②  the happy
③  so happy
④  very happy
【单选题】 —Ken did badly in his math test. Im terribly worried about the result.— .
①  I am so happy he is very healthy.
②  Well, it is hard to see.
③  Come on. it isn’t the end of the world.
【单选题】 She chose to be a teacher, but personally I’d to be a caregiver.
①  fancy
②  prefer
③  love
④  hate