市盈率,是指普通股( [填空1] )与( [填空2] )之比。
【填空题】 股利支付率是普通股[填空1]与[填空2] 的比率。
【判断题】 市盈率是指普通股每股市价与普通股每股收益的比率。
①  正确
②  错误
【简答题】 1、普通股是指其收益( [填空1]),其股东享受的( [填空2])不受限制的股票。
【简答题】 优先股是指股息固定,在( [填空1] )和( [填空2] )时比普通股享有优先权的股票。
【单选题】 ( )是普通股股利与每股收益的比值,反映普通股股东从每股的全部获利中分到多少。
①  每股收益
②  普通股权益报酬率
③  市盈率
④  股利发放率
【多选题】 债券筹资与普通股筹资相比,( )
①  普通股筹资产生的财务风险相对较低
②  公司债券筹资的资本成本相对较高
③  普通股筹资可以利用财务杠杆的作用
④  公司债券利息可以税前列支,普通股股利必须税后支付
⑤  如果筹资费率相同,两者的资本成本就相同
【简答题】 公司通过股票回购减少流通在外的普通股股数,使每股利润[填空1],股票价格[填空2],可为股东带来资本利得收益。
【多选题】 与普通股相比,优先股股东享有( )。
①  优先认股权
②  盈利优先分配权
③  剩余财产优先分配权
④  股份自由转让权
⑤  股东大会表决优先权
【单选题】 (  )(或成为收入乘数)是指普通股每股市价与每股销售收入的比率,它反映普通股股东愿意为每1元销售收入支付的价格。
①  市销率
②  资产负债率
③  流动比率
④  速动比率
【多选题】 一般认为,普通股与优先股的共同特征是( )
①  同属公司股本
②  股息均从净利润中支付
③  需支付固定股息
④  均可参与公司重大决策
⑤  参与分配公司剩余财产的顺序相同
【单选题】 Did you get a dictionary?No. I________,but there were not any________.
①  tried;to be left;
②  had tried to;leaving
③  tried to;left
④  had tried;have left
【单选题】 Mymotherisno_______ young.
①  shorter
②  longer
③  little
④  few
【单选题】 Look,someone is coming. Guess who it_________be?I think it______be Tom.I dont think it______be_______.
①  must;can;must;his
②  may;can;must;him
③  can;must;can;him
④  might;must;can;himself
【单选题】 I will take my daughter with me when I_______ Shanghai.
①  go to
②  will go to
③  have been to
④  have gone to
【单选题】 It was getting dark. I found a car________in a pool by the side of the road.
①  to be stuck
②  stuck
③  sticking
④  stick
【单选题】 This bright girl______ the truth in front of the enemy.
①  didn’t say
②  couldn’t speak to
③  said
④  didn’t tell
【单选题】 ________the front door________,he had to enter the room through the back door.
①  Seen;painted
②  Seeing;painted
③  Being seen;being painted
④  Seeing;being painted
【单选题】 This book is_____that one. But______than that one.
①  as difficult as ;expensive
②  as more difficult as ; more expensive
③  as difficult as ; more expensive
④  more difficult as ; as expensive
【单选题】 It was his fault,but he put the blame on others—thats _______ we cant agree.
①  where
②  what
③  how
④  which
【单选题】 It was said that his father_______ .
①  has died
②  died
③  has been dead
④  had died