Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[toddler; lottery; claim; retract; turn down; somehow; in reality; gamble; publicity; inculcate]1. I had a[填空1]at home and two other children at school.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[toddler; lottery; claim; retract; turn down; somehow; in reality; gamble; publicity; inculcate]8. Are you going to[填空1]on the result of the fight?
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[toddler; lottery; claim; retract; turn down; somehow; in reality; gamble; publicity; inculcate]10. They failed to[填空1]the student with love of knowledge.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[toddler; lottery; claim; retract; turn down; somehow; in reality; gamble; publicity; inculcate]7.[填空1]Karin managed to cope with the demands of her career.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[toddler; lottery; claim; retract; turn down; somehow; in reality; gamble; publicity; inculcate]6.[填空1], the operation will end before its start without these preparations.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[toddler; lottery; claim; retract; turn down; somehow; in reality; gamble; publicity; inculcate]2. You may win a lot of money in a[填空1]then spend it all in a few days.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[toddler; lottery; claim; retract; turn down; somehow; in reality; gamble; publicity; inculcate]5. A man[填空1]to be a journalist threatened to reveal details about her private life.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[tender; suffer; in anxiety; crave; choke; plague; with a sigh; dull; nonsense; threshold]5. Meat or other food that is[填空1]is easy to cut or chew.
【填空题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[tender; suffer; in anxiety; crave; choke; plague; with a sigh; dull; nonsense; threshold]6. He was carried away by the[填空1].
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[sell out; in other words; consist of; stand for; rely on; demand for; engage in; at hand; yield to; confront with]1. They have[填空1]of the brand that I like.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[tender; suffer; in anxiety; crave; choke; plague; with a sigh; dull; nonsense; threshold]10. Mrs.Archer shook her head[填空1].
【单选题】 一位哲学家说,青春是一种时限货币。当一个人尽情享受这种货币带来的欢乐时,就意味着青春逝去之时,他就沦为了乞丐。这句话蕴涵的哲理是( ???)
①  享乐主义人生观是社会存在的反映
②  及时享乐是享乐主义人生价值观的本质
③  享乐主义人生价值观把追求享受当成人生最大乐趣,对人们具有极大危害
④  享乐主义人生价值观把个人欢乐建立在别人的痛苦之上
【单选题】 人类在脱离动物状态而转变为人的过程中,(? ? )发挥了决定性作用
①  劳动
②  工具
③  文字
④  实践
【单选题】 ( ???)是生产资料私有制的产物,是资产阶级人生观的核心
①  实用主义
②  功利主义
③  拜金主义
④  个人主义
【单选题】 下列有关人生价值评价的说法中,正确的是( ??)
①  个人的能力越强,其人生价值也就越大
②  个人的行为动机越高尚,其人生价值也就越大
③  个人对社会的贡献越多,其人生价值也就越大
④  个人从社会中得到的满足越多,其人生价值也就越大
【单选题】 个人与他人的关系,在本质上是下列哪项关系的表现形式( ??)
①  社会利益关系
②  政治关系
③  相互利用关系
④  血缘关系
【多选题】 民事活动应遵循民事主体地位平等、自愿、公平、诚信、公序良俗等基本原则以外,还应遵循(? ? )原则
①  有利于节约资源
②  保护生态环境
③  赔礼道歉
④  罪刑法定
【多选题】 民族区域自治制度体现了国家的集中统一和民族区域自治的正确结合,体现了全国各民族人民的共同利益和少数民族特殊利益的正确结合。它可以(? ? )民族区域自治制度体现了国家的集中统一和民族区域自治的正确结合,体现了全国各民族人民的共同利益和少数民族特殊利益的正确结合。它可以保证少数民族当家作主,更好地管理本民族的内部事务;它可以促进少数民族地区尽快地发展,促进全国各民族的共同繁荣昌盛;它可以促进民族团结,保证国家的统一,有利于加强边疆建设和巩固国防。
①  促进少数民族地区尽快地发展
②  促进全国各民族的共同繁荣昌盛
③  促进民族团结,保证国家的统一,有利于加强边疆建设和巩固国防
④  保证少数民族当家作主,更好地管理本民族的内部事务
【多选题】 人生目的的作用有( ???)
①  决定世界观
②  决定人生道路
③  决定人生态度
④  决定人生价值标准
【多选题】 资本主义法律的基本特征主要体现为(? ? )
①  与资本主义私有制相适应的私有财产神圣不可侵犯原则
②  与资本主义市场经济相适应的契约自由原则
③  与资本主义民主政治相适应的法律面前人人平等原则
④  与资产阶级人道主义相适应的人权保障原则
【多选题】 我国司法的基本要求是(? ? )
①  正确
②  合法
③  合理
④  及时