【简答题】 税收的三个特征为[填空1] 、[填空2]和[填空3]
【简答题】 金融衍生工具具有( [填空1])、( [填空2])、( [填空3])三个基本功能。
【简答题】 债券具有( [填空1] )、( [填空2] )、稳定性和([填空3] )等特征。
【简答题】 正确的算法应具有五个重要的特征是:[填空1]、[填空2]、[填空3]、[填空4]、[填空5]。
【简答题】 在物体三个投影图之间存在的关系: [填空(1)]、 [填空(2)]、 [填空(3)]。
【简答题】 教育社会学的发展历程大体包括三个阶段。这三个阶段是[填空1]、[填空2]、[填空3]。
【简答题】 现代风险管理的全过程大致可以分为[填空1]、[填空2]、[填空3]三个环节。
【简答题】 教育社会学经历的发展过程大体包括三个主要阶段。这三个阶段分别是“[[填空1]]”、“[[填空2]]”和“[[填空3]]”。
【简答题】 教育社会学经历的发展过程大体包括三个主要阶段。这三个阶段分别是“[填空1]”、“[填空2]”和“[填空3]”。
【简答题】 教育社会学经历的发展过程大体包括三个主要阶段。这三个阶段分别是“[填空1]”、“[填空2]”和“[填空3] ”。
【单选题】 She happily deposits the money she has earned teaching English in her savings account. Find any misplaced modifier in the sentence
①  happily
②  she has earned
③  in her savings account
【单选题】 Well have a picnic in the park this Saturday [] it rains or it is very cold.
①  since
②  if
③  until
④  unless
【单选题】 His family [] divided opinions on many issues.
①  is
②  are
【单选题】 There were some chairs left over[] everyone had sat down.
①  when
②  until
③  that
④  where
【单选题】 These candidates have vague notions of serving the company, [] they have never taken trouble to find out the actual tasks they will be required to do.
①  or
②  and
③  but
④  so
【单选题】 Which sentence is correct?
①  On entering the classroom, the students stood up and said, Good morning!
②  On entering the classroom, the teacher was greeted by the students with Good morning!
【单选题】 When their party came back to the camp site, ours arrrived two hours earlier. Identify the mistake in the sentence.
①  When
②  ours
③  arrived
④  earlier
【单选题】 People dont like to buy books in this bookstore with hard covers. Find any misplaced modifier in the sentence.
①  this
②  with hardcover
【单选题】 People in Anhui are proud of [] they have achieved in the last ten years.
①  that
②  which
③  what
④  how
【单选题】 Which sentence is correct?
①  To look at a map, the importance of this new railway will be seen.
②  You have only to look at a map to see the importance of this new railway.