Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[tender; suffer; in anxiety; crave; choke; plague; with a sigh; dull; nonsense; threshold]5. Meat or other food that is[填空1]is easy to cut or chew.
【填空题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[tender; suffer; in anxiety; crave; choke; plague; with a sigh; dull; nonsense; threshold]6. He was carried away by the[填空1].
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[tender; suffer; in anxiety; crave; choke; plague; with a sigh; dull; nonsense; threshold]2. Fish and seabirds mistake plastic for food and[填空1]to death.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[tender; suffer; in anxiety; crave; choke; plague; with a sigh; dull; nonsense; threshold]10. Mrs.Archer shook her head[填空1].
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[tender; suffer; in anxiety; crave; choke; plague; with a sigh; dull; nonsense; threshold]4. You will[填空1]one day for your carelessness.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[tender; suffer; in anxiety; crave; choke; plague; with a sigh; dull; nonsense; threshold]3. Weve seen huge increases[填空1]and depression in young people.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[toddler; lottery; claim; retract; turn down; somehow; in reality; gamble; publicity; inculcate]1. I had a[填空1]at home and two other children at school.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[toddler; lottery; claim; retract; turn down; somehow; in reality; gamble; publicity; inculcate]5. A man[填空1]to be a journalist threatened to reveal details about her private life.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[toddler; lottery; claim; retract; turn down; somehow; in reality; gamble; publicity; inculcate]8. Are you going to[填空1]on the result of the fight?
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[toddler; lottery; claim; retract; turn down; somehow; in reality; gamble; publicity; inculcate]10. They failed to[填空1]the student with love of knowledge.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[toddler; lottery; claim; retract; turn down; somehow; in reality; gamble; publicity; inculcate]7.[填空1]Karin managed to cope with the demands of her career.
【单选题】 胞浆内可见大量酶原颗粒的细胞是()
①  分泌管上皮细胞
②  闰管上皮细胞
③  肌上皮细胞
④  浆液性腺泡细胞
⑤  粘液性腺泡细胞
【单选题】 下列哪种腺体分泌唾液的量最多()
①  舌下腺
②  下颌下腺
③  腮腺
④  颊腺
⑤  舌腺
【单选题】 属纯浆液腺的小涎腺是()
①  腮腺
②  颊腺
③  味腺
④  磨牙后腺
⑤  唇腺
【单选题】 不符合腮腺组织学结构特点的是()
①  闰管长
②  分泌管多
③  属纯浆液腺
④  新生儿可见少量粘液细胞
⑤  常见到半月板结构
【单选题】 下列腺体中,可能具有内分泌功能的是()
①  舌下腺
②  腭腺
③  腮腺
④  颊腺
⑤  舌腺
【单选题】 不属于混合性腺体范畴的是()
①  舌下腺
②  唇腺
③  颊腺
④  腭腺
⑤  磨牙后腺
【单选题】 融合牙最常见于
①  上颌恒切牙
②  下颌恒切牙
③  上颌乳前牙
④  上颌乳前牙
⑤  正常牙与多生牙
【单选题】 融合牙是
①  仅限于乳牙
②  仅限于恒牙
③  两牙牙釉质相连
④  两牙牙本质相连
⑤  两牙牙骨质相连
【单选题】 下列关于双生牙的描述正确的是
①  由两个正常牙胚融合而成
②  由两个牙的牙根发育完全后发生粘连而成
③  只发生在乳牙列
④  由一个向内的凹陷将一个牙胚不完全分开而成
⑤  双生乳牙不会影响其继承牙的萌出
【单选题】 牙中牙是指
①  融合牙
②  双生牙
③  牙内陷
④  额外牙
⑤  畸形中央尖