Directions: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[comprise of; vote for; access to; wake up; be hooked to; in the long run; work at; to ones joy; pay off; be associated with]2. The assignments for the course[填空1]computer-aided design problems.
【简答题】 Directions: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[comprise of; vote for; access to; wake up; be hooked to; in the long run; work at; to ones joy; pay off; be associated with]8. But[填空1]it is as inevitable as changes in the weather.
【简答题】 Directions: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[comprise of; vote for; access to; wake up; be hooked to; in the long run; work at; to ones joy; pay off; be associated with]5. He[填空1]in the morning to find himself alone in the house.
【简答题】 Directions: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[comprise of; vote for; access to; wake up; be hooked to; in the long run; work at; to ones joy; pay off; be associated with]1. Learning a foreign language may be difficult at the beginning, but your hard work will[填空1].
【简答题】 Directions: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[comprise of; vote for; access to; wake up; be hooked to; in the long run; work at; to ones joy; pay off; be associated with]9. Now its your turn to talk. Are you[填空1]the Internet?
【简答题】 Directions: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[comprise of; vote for; access to; wake up; be hooked to; in the long run; work at; to ones joy; pay off; be associated with]3. You might not expect such a frightening dream to[填空1]something joyful.
【简答题】 Directions: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[comprise of; vote for; access to; wake up; be hooked to; in the long run; work at; to ones joy; pay off; be associated with]6. Here, the people[填空1]the electors from states who then choose the president.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[have access to; go off; desperate for; put up with; always the case; give advice; concentrate on; arrive at; make an effort; come in handy]9. But in reality this is not[填空1].
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[have access to; go off; desperate for; put up with; always the case; give advice; concentrate on; arrive at; make an effort; come in handy]2. Dont throw those old textbooks away. They may[填空1]some day.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[have access to; go off; desperate for; put up with; always the case; give advice; concentrate on; arrive at; make an effort; come in handy]8. The prisoner[填空1]to escape, but he couldnt climb up the prison wall.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[have access to; go off; desperate for; put up with; always the case; give advice; concentrate on; arrive at; make an effort; come in handy]1. We may[填空1], but we cant give conduct.
【单选题】 租出机器设备指按规定出租给外单位使用的机器设备。( )
【单选题】 ()是呼气训练法。
①  以每秒两个的速度数数
②  以上方法均可
③  数二十个葫芦
④  叹气法
【单选题】 有职无权和有权无职都是违背职权统一的原则。( )
【单选题】 直线职能制是一种集权和( )相结合的组织结构形式。
①  合权
②  分权
③  放权
【单选题】 分类折旧即按分类折旧年限的不同,将固定资产进行归类,计提折旧。( )
【单选题】 对于产品更新换代较快的专用机床,不应与产品换型相适应。因其折旧年限短。( )
【单选题】 在评估中要执行统一的标准,特别是统一的( )
①  价格标准
②  公平标准
③  质量标准
【单选题】 对设备使用的三好要求:管理好设备、使用好设备与( )
①  维护好设备
②  整理好设备
③  修好设备
【单选题】 接班工人如发现设备有异常现象,记录不清、情况不明和设备为清扫时,可向相应领导汇报情况,记录交接情况但不可拒绝接班。( )
【单选题】 凡是设备原设计、制造、安装等原因,致使设备损坏停产或效能降低的,称为( )
①  灾害事故
②  责任事故
③  质量事