Direction: Fill in the blanks with thephrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[ought to; look forward to; in wonder; give way to; look down; on the way to; reach out; put one’s arm around; trip over; cut into]3. The woman was so excited at seeing her lost son and[填空1]him.
【填空题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with thephrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[ought to; look forward to; in wonder; give way to; look down; on the way to; reach out; put one’s arm around; trip over; cut into]4. If you dont lace up your shoes, youll[填空1].
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with thephrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[ought to; look forward to; in wonder; give way to; look down; on the way to; reach out; put one’s arm around; trip over; cut into]6. We[填空1]hearing from you soon.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with thephrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[ought to; look forward to; in wonder; give way to; look down; on the way to; reach out; put one’s arm around; trip over; cut into]2. When they saw the horse, all stood still[填空1].
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with thephrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[ought to; look forward to; in wonder; give way to; look down; on the way to; reach out; put one’s arm around; trip over; cut into]10. The boards were[填空1]shape for further processing.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with thephrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[ought to; look forward to; in wonder; give way to; look down; on the way to; reach out; put one’s arm around; trip over; cut into]8. You[填空1]be ashamed of your foolish behaviour.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with thephrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[ought to; look forward to; in wonder; give way to; look down; on the way to; reach out; put one’s arm around; trip over; cut into]9. The great kings[填空1]on us from those stars.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with thephrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[ought to; look forward to; in wonder; give way to; look down; on the way to; reach out; put one’s arm around; trip over; cut into]7. Once,[填空1]a movie, she was knocked down by a running bicycle.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with thephrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[ought to; look forward to; in wonder; give way to; look down; on the way to; reach out; put one’s arm around; trip over; cut into]1. My dear, do not[填空1]such gloomy thoughts. Let us hope for better things.
【填空题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with thephrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[ought to; look forward to; in wonder; give way to; look down; on the way to; reach out; put one’s arm around; trip over; cut into]5. As we gather once again among loved ones, let us also[填空1]to our neighbors and fellow citizens in need of a helping hand.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[dodge; mean; tease; disability; regular; bonus; proclaim; universal]3. That is a[填空1]trick!
【判断题】 两个镜头之间的关系并不是建立在情节的基础之上,而是建立在视觉基础之上的是动力蒙太奇体系。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列哪一部纪录片不是制作于我国政治化纪录片时期的?
①  《到农村去》
②  《河殇》
③  《收租院》
④  《英雄的信阳人民》
【判断题】 纪录片的本源是人的历史和现实的存在,是“此在”,是此刻当下,是历史和现实的统一
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列哪一项不属于纪录片创作过程中的局限性问题?
①  剧本创作中的结构问题
②  题材
③  创作周期
④  拍摄方式
【单选题】 纪录片(Documentary)一词,是( )在评论弗拉哈迪第二部纪录片《摩阿拿》文章中首次使用。
①  格里尔逊
②  怀斯曼
③  古茨曼
④  伊文思
【单选题】 开创了一种以主持人加观察员为主要形式的“二人转”式的新样态的是下列哪一档节目?
①  《面对面》
②  《新闻1+1》
③  《24小时》
④  《新闻周刊》
【单选题】 下列电视新闻栏目中,哪一档有“为变幻中国制作一份打开的人物志”的理想?
①  《新闻1+1》
②  《新闻周刊》
③  《面对面》
④  A、《新闻调查》
【判断题】 纪录片允许捏造,允许以个人的想象来替换现实存在。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 春节联欢晚会起源于( )年
①  1949
②  1979
③  1983
④  1989
【单选题】 “纪录片最首要的任务是表现这个国家现代社会的横断面,揭发它的缺点,报告它的发展,揭露它的问题”出现在纪录片发展的哪一时期?
①  原始时期
②  草创时期
③  影响社会发展的阶段
④  变革历史记录时期