The boy is not happy at the new school. He has _________ friends there.
a few
a little
【单选题】 The boy is not happy at the new school. He has ________ friends there.
①  few
②  a few
③  little
④  a little
【单选题】 19.Though she talks little, she has made _______ friends here.
①  a few
②  few
③  littlle
④  a little
【单选题】 9. Tim is ________boy. He can say a few words.
①  an one-year-old
②  a one-year-old
③  an one-year old
④  a one-year old
【单选题】 Little Tom is an orphan(孤儿). _____, he has to make a living by himself.
①  A child as he is
②  Child as he is
③  Child as is he A child though he is
【单选题】 His father is [填空] maths teacher.He works in my friends school.
①  a
②  an
③  the
④  /
【单选题】 The little boy was [] hearted.
①  mouse
②  chicken
【单选题】 The policeman offered the little boy something ____ .
①  for eat
②  to eat
③  eat
④  to eating
【单选题】 I _____ a few high school classmates at KFC yesterday.
①  came across
②  came along
③  came to
④  came on
【单选题】 He wants to find a ______________ with a school.
①  hobby
②  information
③  position
④  power
【单选题】 The short story ____ the heart of the little boy with its unusual plot.
①  captured
②  cost
③  cast
④  chased
【多选题】 蜜炙法的炮制目的是
①  增强润肺止咳的作用
②  增强补脾益气的作用
③  缓和药物性能
④  矫正苦劣之味
⑤  消除呕吐的副作用
【多选题】 巴戟天炮制作用有
①  除去木心,保证用量准确
②  盐炙引药人肾,温而不燥
③  甘草制增强补肾助阳、强筋壮骨的作用
④  蜜炙增强补脾益气作用
⑤  土炒增强补中止泻的疗效
【多选题】 酒制药物时,先拌酒后炒药物的炮制方法适用于
①  质地较坚实的根及根茎类药物
②  质地较疏松的药物
③  酒制五灵脂
④  酒制大黄
⑤  酒制川芎
【多选题】 醋炙的目的为
①  引药入肝,增强活血止痛作用
②  增强散瘀止痛作用
③  增强疏肝止痛作用
④  降低毒性
⑤  矫嗅矫味
【多选题】 下列哪些药物蜜炙后能增强润肺止咳功效
①  百合
②  黄芪
③  党参
④  百部
⑤  枇杷叶
【多选题】 黄柏的炮制规格有
①  黄柏
②  盐黄柏
③  酒黄柏
④  黄柏炭
⑤  醋黄柏
【多选题】 乳香醋炙的目的有
①  缓和刺激性
②  增强活血止痛作用
③  增强收敛生肌作用
④  矫嗅矫味
⑤  便于粉碎
【多选题】 蜜炙后能增强补脾益气作用的药物有
①  甘草
②  百合
③  黄芪
④  旋覆花
⑤  白前
【多选题】 乌梢蛇应贮放于
①  石灰缸内
②  与花椒共贮
③  喷乙醇少许,密闭,置通风干燥处
④  与山药共贮
⑤  以上答案都对
【多选题】 盐炙药物的炮制目的有
①  引药人肾,增强药物补肝肾的作用
②  引药下行,增强药物疗疝止痛的功效
③  协同疗效,增强滋阴降火、清热凉血功效
④  缓和辛燥之性,增强补肾固精作用
⑤  升提药力,增强药物活血化瘀的作用