it has been revealed that some government leaders _____ their authority and position to getillegal profits for themselves.
【单选题】 I hope ___ the little ___ I have been able to do has been of some use.
①  that; that
②  /; by which?
③  what; what
④  /; with which
【单选题】 It has always been the ___ of our firm to encourage workers to take part in social activities.
①  plan
②  campaign
③  procedure
④  policy
【单选题】 He has been there, [填空]?
①  hasnt he
②  has he
③  does he
④  doesnt he
【单选题】 Rob has some[填空].
①  leaf
②  leave
③  leafs
④  leaves
【单选题】 I need some ( )to take the bus.
①  exchange
②  charge
③  tip
④  change
【判断题】 Please take some photoes for me.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The furniture has broken for some days, and it _______ .
①  needs fixed
②  needs fixing
③  needs to fix
【单选题】 The disappearance of her paper has never been _____.
①  counted for
②  looked up
③  accounted for
④  checked up
【单选题】 The idea of winning the eyes of the people around ____ powerfully to some youngsters, so they are eagerly identifying themselves.
①  defy
②  expel
③  attract
④  appeals
【单选题】 The new technology has been ( ) in the industrial production.
①  utilized
②  possessed
③  elevated
④  focused
【单选题】 假设 A是n阶方阵,其秩rn?,那么在A的n个行向量中( )
①  必有r个行向量线性无关
②  任意r个行向量线性无关.
③  任意r个行向量都构成最大线性无关向量组.
④  任何一个行向量都可以由其他r个行向量线性表出.
【单选题】 设A是mn?矩阵,C是n阶可逆矩阵,矩阵A的秩为r,矩阵BA?C的秩为r1, 则
①  r>r1
②  r<r1
③  r=r1
④  r1,r2的关系依C而定
【单选题】 设,AB为n阶方阵,满足等式AB=O,则必有( )
①  A=O且B=O
②  A+B=O
③  A=O 或B=O
④  A-B=O
【单选题】 n阶方阵 A具有n个不同的特征值是A与对角阵相似的( )
①  充分必要条件.
②  充分而非必要条件.
③  必要而非充分条件.
④  既非充分也非必要条件
【单选题】 已知向量组a1,a2,a3,a4线性无关,则向量组( )
①  a1+a2,a2+a3,a3+a4,a4+a1线性无关
②  a1-a2,a2-a3,a3-a4,a4-a1线性无关
③  a1+a2,a2+a3,a3+a4,a4-a1线性无关
④  a1+a2,a2+a3,a3-a4,a4-a1线性无关
【单选题】 设A是mn?矩阵,Ax?0是非齐次线性方程组Ax?b所对应的齐次线性方程组,则 下列结论正确的是( )
①  若 Ax?0仅有零解,则Ax?b有唯一解.
②  若Ax?0有非零解,则Ax?b有无穷多个解.
③  若 Ax?b有无穷多个解,则Ax?0仅有零解.
④  若Ax?b有无穷多个解,则Ax?0有非零解
【单选题】 设n阶方阵,,ABC满足关系式ABCE?,其中E是n阶单位阵,则必有(
①  ACB
②  CBA=
③  BAC=E
④  BCA=E
【单选题】 下级向上级汇报情况属于()
①  下行沟通
②  平行沟通
③  上行沟通
④  感情沟通
【单选题】 按技能在技能组中的比重从大到小排列,对基层管理人员的技能要求是()
①  人际技能、概念技能、技术技能
②  技术技能、人际技能、概念技能
③  概念技能、人际技能、技术技能
④  概念技能、技术技能、人际技能
【单选题】 根据领导者运用职权方式的不同,可以将领导方式分为专制、民主和放任三种类型。其中“民主式”的领导方式的主要优点是()
①  纪律严格、管理规范、赏罚分明
②  组织成员具有高度的独立自主性
③  按规章管理,领导者不运用权力
④  员工关系融洽,工作积极主动,富有创造性