There are many children()behaviour is generally unacceptable.
【单选题】 People’s hearts ____ the children whose parents died in the accident.
①  went out for
②  went out with
③  went out to
④  went out of
【单选题】 The novelist is a highly ______ person whose works appeal to many readers.
①  imaginable
②  imaginative
③  imaginary
④  imagined
【单选题】 he children  ()  many times not to play with fire.
①  told
②  have told
③  have been told
④  are being told
【单选题】 The Tang Dynasty is generally regarded as a golden chapter by people worldwide,________ the Chinese civilization influenced many neighboring countries.
①  where
②  when
③  which
④  who
【单选题】 The disabled children need many things, but____, they need love.
①  first of all
②  above all
③  after all
④  all in all
【多选题】 Children are heavy television viewers who are strongly___________ by what they see.
①  influence
②  influenced
③  affected
④  effect
【单选题】 It _____to see so many children in that mountainous area cannot even afford elementary education.
①  pains her
②  makes her pain
③  is paining
④  is pained
【单选题】 The ( )hotels many focus on attracting vacationers who simply want to lie in the sun for weeks.
①  business
②  casino
③  luxury
④  resort
【单选题】 If you bear any visible scars of atomic burns, your children will encounter prejudice ______ those who do not.
①  on the side of
②  at the side of
③  on the part of
④  at the part of
【多选题】 Many young adults, who have had no_________ to receive further education before, are eager to develop their abilities.
①  skill
②  degree
③  chance
④  opportunity
【多选题】 内蒙古地处祖国北疆,是我国资源禀赋最好的地区之一,是我国重要的()。
①  A.粮食生产基地
②  B.能源原材料基地
③  C.综合交通枢纽
【判断题】 强国战略是“不强”的问题驱动,紧紧扣住经济增长方式的转变。当前,社会、经济、企业都要数字化转型。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 “生态错位”指违背生态适宜性的开发活动,如盲目开垦草原、围湖造田等。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 2019年中国GDP约为()。
①  A.15.5万亿美元
②  B.16.5万亿美元
③  C.17.5万亿美元
④  D.18.5万亿美元
【单选题】 党的十九届五中全会提出,坚持()在我国现代化建设全局中的核心地位。
①  A.创新
②  B.协调
③  C.绿色
④  D.共享
【单选题】 内蒙古自治区地处我国北疆,全区边境线长4262.47公里,居全国第()。
①  A.一
②  B.二
③  C.三
④  D.四
【单选题】 下列选项中,不属于各种技术选项的出发点和归宿的是()。
①  A.效益
②  B.竞争力
③  C.可持续发展
④  D.企业规模
【多选题】 我国面临的风险挑战体现为,国际反华势力通过()等手段,试图对我国进行分化、渗透、分裂和颠覆。
①  A.经济封锁
②  B.政治打压
③  C.军事威胁
④  D.意识形态妖魔化
【单选题】 六中全会的主要议题通常是什么?( )
①  A.党的主要人事安排
②  B.国家发展和经济建设的重大问题
③  C.惯例以党建专题为主
④  D.通常不固定
【判断题】 在数字化转型中,数字产业化指的是数字赋能传统优势产业智能化。
①  正确
②  错误