He didn’t ______ to cause so much unhappiness.
【单选题】 06. He spoke so quickly that I didn t _________ what he said.
①  makefor
②  makesure
③  makeover
④  makeout
【单选题】 When he was 65,he[填空] that he didn’t want to stop
①  decided
②  decides
③  will decide
④  is deciding
【单选题】 He didn’t pass the final examination. He ______ it.
①  must have prepared for
②  ought to prepare
③  ought to have prepared for
④  ought to prepare to
【单选题】 He irritates me so much that I could ( ).
①  screaming
②  screamingly
③  screamer
④  scream
【单选题】 4.Scientists didn’t know much about lung cancer ______.
①  before long
②  until recently
③  long before
④  in the past few years
【单选题】 I’ m____ that he didn’ t come.
①  astonished
②  astonishing
③  astonish
④  to astonish
【单选题】 He didn’t have the book ____________ I wanted.
①  what
②  \
【单选题】 There was so much noise in the classroom that the teacher couldn’t make himself _______.
①  heard
②  hearing
③  to hear
④  hear
【单选题】 He was ____ in his work and didn’t hear me come in.
①  critical
②  logical
③  typical
④  absorbed
【单选题】 1.The movie star ______ with your sister, didn’t he?
①  was used to dance
②  used to dancing
③  used to dance
④  was used to dancing
【单选题】 下列指标中,“中蜜”的炼制标准是()
①  蜜温116~118℃,含水量18%,相对密度1.35左右
②  蜜温119~122℃,含水量10%以下,相对密度1.40左右
③  蜜温105~115℃,含水量10%以下,相对密度1.40左右
④  蜜温105~115℃,含水量17%~20%,相对密度1.35左右
⑤  蜜温116~118℃,含水量14%~16%,相对密度1.37左右
【单选题】 饮片或部分饮片提取浓缩后,与适宜的辅料或其余饮片细粉,以水、炼蜜或炼蜜和水为黏合剂制成的丸剂,称为( )。
①  浓缩丸
②  蜜丸
③  糊丸
④  水丸
⑤  水蜜丸
【单选题】 红丹的主要成分是()
①  氧化铁
②  五氧化二磷
③  四氧化二铁
④  四氧化三铅
⑤  氧化铅
【单选题】 含刺激性强的药物宜制成蜡丸的目的是( )。
①  方便携带
②  方便服用
③  减轻毒性
④  减少刺激性
⑤  方便炮制
【单选题】 下列软膏基质中,属于水溶性基质的是( )。
①  石蜡
②  蜂蜡
③  氢化植物油
④  聚乙二醇
⑤  植物油
【单选题】 不属于浓缩丸特点的是( )。
①  携带方便
②  体积大
③  易于吸收
④  服用方便
⑤  服用剂量小
【单选题】 适合儿童用药的剂型是( )。
①  栓剂
②  注射剂
③  蜜丸
④  糖丸
⑤  栓剂
【单选题】 含有毒性或刺激性强的药物宜制成( )。
①  水丸
②  水蜜丸
③  浓缩丸
④  蜜丸
⑤  蜡丸
【单选题】 下列不需检查水分的是( )。
①  六味地黄丸(水蜜丸)
②  防风通圣丸(水丸)
③  牛黄解毒丸(蜜丸)
④  妇科通经丸(蜡丸)
⑤  小金丸(糊丸)
【单选题】 除另有规定外,颗粒剂辅料的用量不宜超过清膏量的()
①  6倍
②  5倍
③  7倍
④  8倍
⑤  9倍