How was your trip to Paris, Mary? ____________
Oh, wonderful indeed.
I went there alone.
The guide showed me the way.
By plane and by bus.
【单选题】 How was your trip to London, Jane?________
①  Oh, wonderful indeed.
②  I went there alone.
③  The guide showed me the way.
④  By plane and by bus.
【单选题】 — How was your trip to Australia?— ___________.
①  It was wonderful indeed
②  I went there alone
③  Very well
④  Believe it or not
【单选题】 Ted: I’m very sorry for stepping on your foot. Chark: __________ It’s very crowded on the bus.
①  Don’t worry.
②  That’s all right.
③  I’m fine.
④  Take it easy.
【单选题】 Ted: I’m very sorry for stepping on your foot.Chark: __________ It’s very crowded on the bus.
①  Don’t worry.
②  Thats all right.
③  Im fine.
④  Take it easy.
【单选题】 I need some ( )to take the bus.
①  exchange
②  charge
③  tip
④  change
【单选题】 A: How long does it take to get to your house by bus? B: [填空]. I think the tube is your best choice. A: Many thanks.
①  I dont know yet
②  It depends on the traffic
③  Let me see
④  Youll consider the distance
【单选题】 Mary, your dress is really beautiful. How is John?
①  Thank you very much
②  No, no, John is not bad
③  Thank you. He is fine
④  Don’t say that. It’s ugly. John is good
【单选题】 They stood there, _________ the bus.
①  to wait
②  waiting
③  waiting for
④  wait
【单选题】 -I’m sorry I broke your mirror.-Oh, really? ____.
①  It’s OK with me
②  It doesnt matter
③  Don’t be sorry
④  I don’t care
【单选题】 We’ve missed the last bus. I’m afraid we have no ________ but to take a taxi.
①  way
②  choice
③  possibility
④  selection
【单选题】 机械特性是指电动机的( )之间的关系。
①  转速n 与电磁转矩 Tem
②  电流Ia与电磁转矩Tem
③  电压U 与电磁转矩Tem
【单选题】 直流电机电枢绕组元件中,电动势和电流是( )。
①  直流的
②  交流的
③  交直流并存
【单选题】 他励直流电动机的人为特性与固有特性相比,其理想空载转速和斜率均发生了变化,那么这条人为特性一定是( )
①  串电阻的人为特性
②  降压的人为特性
③  弱磁的人为特性
【单选题】 换向磁极绕组采用较粗的绝缘铜线绕成,匝数校少,与电枢绕组( ).
①  并联
②  串联
③  无关联
【判断题】 他励直流电动机直接起动时,起动电流很大,一般为额定电流的 10~20 倍。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 把一台 50Hz 的变压器接到 60Hz 的电网上,外加电压的大小不变,励激电流将减小。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 变压器带容性负载,当负载增加时,二次侧电压将降低。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 直流电动机的额定功率是指转轴上吸收的机械功率
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 变压器负载运行时,其二次绕组接到交流电源上.( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 直流电动机串多级电阻起动,在起动过程中,每切除一级起动电阻,电枢电流都将突变。
①  正确
②  错误