Wow! This is a marvelous room! I’ve never known you’re so artistic._________
Great, I am very art-conscious.
Don’t mention it.
Thanks for your compliments.
It’s fine.
【单选题】 Wow. That’s a marvelous room. I’ve never known you’re so artistic!____________
①  Thank you for your compliments.
②  Don’t mention it.
③  Great, I am very art-conscious.
④  It’s fine.
【单选题】 -- Wow! This is a marvelous room! Ive never known youre so artistic.--______
①  Great, I am very art-conscious.
②  Dont mention it.
③  Thanks for your compliments.
④  Its fine.
【单选题】 Helen lacks ______ . I’ve never known anyone so unsure of herself.
①  character
②  balance
③  approach
④  confidence
【单选题】 I don’t know you want to keep the letter, I’ve _____it up.
①  torn
②  given
③  broken
④  disposed
【单选题】 I am very grateful to you for what you’ve given me and __________ you have done for me.
①  which
②  that
③  all what
④  all that
【单选题】 I’ll pick you up as promised, ____it rainy or fine.
①  will
②  be
③  should
④  no matter
【单选题】 21. Am I _____ your way? I can move over a bit and make room for you...
①  under
②  in
③  beyond
④  on
【单选题】 -I hope you don’t mind my pointing out your mistakes.- ____.
①  Of course
②  You’re welcome
③  Certainly not
④  Yes, I do
【单选题】 I am[填空]?tired?that I don’t want to go out.
①  very
②  too
③  so
④  indeed
【判断题】 A: Im terribly sorry that I made your table cloth dirty. B: Don’t mention it.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 MikeisbetterthanPeter_______________swimming.
①  for
②  at
③  on
④  in
【单选题】 Chinahasemphasizedonraisingpersonalincomeandconsumptionrecently.
①  person
②  personal
③  personnel
④  personally
【单选题】 Theyhadso______incommonthattheysoonbecamegoodfriends
①  little
②  few
③  many
④  much
【单选题】 Theactualcostofthebuildingwasmuchhigherthanouroriginal_____
①  consideration
②  judgment
③  estimate
④  plan
【单选题】 ____girldressed_____blackishersisterRose.
①  A;In
②  A;On
③  The;on
④  The;in
【单选题】 Thistypeofuniversitycourseisnolonger___________todaysproblems.
①  relevant
②  relevantto
③  relevantwith
④  relevanton
【单选题】 —CanIborrowyourcameraforaweek?—.
①  Sure,hereyouare
②  Yes,youcanborrow
③  Yes,bringitwithyou
④  Itdoesn’tmatter
【单选题】 Idontknowhowtodeal_______suchmatter.
①  with
②  to
③  in
④  out
【单选题】 ---DidyouhaveagoodtimeinThailandlastweek?---______,itwastoohot.
①  Notreally
②  Yeah,whynot
③  Oh,great
④  You’reright
【单选题】 Asyou_________thetownthefirstbuildingyouseeisthechurch.
①  approach
②  approaching
③  approached
④  approaches