After failing the exams three times, Jack realized that he’d never ____in English.
see to it
attain it
catch it
make it
【单选题】 15.The book was so interesting that he had read it for three hours ______ he realized it.
①  when
②  until
③  after
④  before
【单选题】 He comes to see his parents [填空] three days.
①  every
②  both
③  each
④  one
【单选题】 Jack is so ____ to his appearance that he never has his clothes pressed.
①  adverse
②  anonymous
③  indifferent
④  casual
【单选题】 Jack is so _____ to his appearance that he never has his clothes pressed.
①  adverse
②  anonymous
③  indifferent
④  casual
【单选题】 Before he came to New York, he had never heard a single English word().
①  speak
②  to speak
③  spoke
④  spoken
【单选题】 Had he worked hard, he _____ the exams.
①  must have got through
②  would have got through
③  would get through
④  could get through
【单选题】 If you want to see the chairman of the department, you’d better make an ____ with him first.
①  admission
②  agreement
③  appointment
④  argument
【判断题】 Formal English is much more difficult to attain since it is subject to more restraints and requirements.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The trees must ________ three times a week.
①  water
②  watering
③  be watered
④  waters
【单选题】 It was not until he arrived in class _____ realized he had forgotten his book.
①  when he
②  that he
③  and he
④  he
【判断题】 法约尔认为管理包括计划、组织、协调、控制四要素。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 奖赏权能够满足下级追求的欲望,可以增加领导对下级的吸引力,能引起满意并提高工作效率,因此这种权力的行使多多益善
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 人既是管理主体,又是管理客体。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 法约尔在《工业管理和一般管理》一书中从哪四个方面阐述了管理过程理论?( )
①  企业职能不同于管理职能
②  把计划职能同执行职能分开
③  管理教育的重要性
④  管理的十四项原则
⑤  管理职能
【多选题】 管理方格理论中典型的领导方式有( )。
①  贫乏型的管理
②  任务第一型的管理
③  俱乐部型的管理
④  团队式的管理
⑤  中间型的管理
【单选题】 预算主要体现为一种( )的手段。
①  预先控制
②  反馈控制
③  直接控制
④  间接控制
【单选题】 车间老王最近发现,质检员小李一有空就与机关的小柳、设计室老张和门卫A老王等一起谈足球,个个眉飞色舞,而参加工作例会却没精打采,对此,你认为老王最好采取什么措施()
①  严格执行车间工作规定,对擅自违反规定者严加惩罚
②  批评小林,并对他提出要求,以后不许在厂里和别人谈论足球
③  对上述情况不闻不问,任其发展
④  在强调必须遵守工作规定的同时,在车间搞一个球迷会,并亲自参加协会活动
【单选题】 对未来计划进行修订的计划方法()
①  甘特图
②  滚动计划法
③  运筹学法
④  排队论
【单选题】 解决以往无先例可循的新问题的决策是( )
①  确定型决策
②  不确定型决策
③  程序化决策
④  非程序化决策
【多选题】 关于运用控制关键点原理,下列说法是正确的( )。
①  这是由于主管人员精力有限
②  主管人要注意各种细节
③  主管人员要集中注意主要因素
④  选择关键点是一种艺术
⑤  强调要注意那些需要观察的点