After failing the exams three times, Jack realized that he’d never ____in English.
see to it
attain it
catch it
make it
【单选题】 15.The book was so interesting that he had read it for three hours ______ he realized it.
①  when
②  until
③  after
④  before
【单选题】 He comes to see his parents [填空] three days.
①  every
②  both
③  each
④  one
【单选题】 Jack is so ____ to his appearance that he never has his clothes pressed.
①  adverse
②  anonymous
③  indifferent
④  casual
【单选题】 Jack is so _____ to his appearance that he never has his clothes pressed.
①  adverse
②  anonymous
③  indifferent
④  casual
【单选题】 Before he came to New York, he had never heard a single English word().
①  speak
②  to speak
③  spoke
④  spoken
【单选题】 Had he worked hard, he _____ the exams.
①  must have got through
②  would have got through
③  would get through
④  could get through
【单选题】 If you want to see the chairman of the department, you’d better make an ____ with him first.
①  admission
②  agreement
③  appointment
④  argument
【判断题】 Formal English is much more difficult to attain since it is subject to more restraints and requirements.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The trees must ________ three times a week.
①  water
②  watering
③  be watered
④  waters
【单选题】 It was not until he arrived in class _____ realized he had forgotten his book.
①  when he
②  that he
③  and he
④  he
【单选题】 根据本课,(  )年是义务教育均衡发展的收官之年。
①  2004
②  2005
③  2006
④  2007
【单选题】 本课程指出,2016年中国网民数达到()多,超过国民总数的一半。
①  9亿
②  8亿
③  7亿
④  6亿
【单选题】 ()是关于中国文化教育和儿童发展未来三十五年可能性的一个预见和一个判断。这个三十五年是指2015年到2050年,中国社会将在文化教育上,经历一场大的周期性变化,产生一次重大变局,类似欧洲的“文艺复兴运动”。
①  大波段理论
②  预测性理论
③  教育发展理论
④  大变革理论
【单选题】 微信里的阅读大多属于()阅读,当我们太当我们太习惯这种方式的阅读时,我们的阅读方式就会被逐渐改变,深度阅读就会越来越少,我们的思想会变得很平面化,缺乏有深度的思想。
①  有效性
②  深度化
③  碎片化
④  整合化
【单选题】 改革开放30多年,我国现代化建设取得了举世瞩目的成就,成为世界上第()大经济体。
【单选题】 本课认为,学校的主要功能是()。
①  人际交往类的学习
②  知识传承类的学习
③  文明发展类的学习
④  品德养成类的学习
【单选题】 本课提到,()是人类思维的一种外化,而思维是人类独有的。
①  有声语言
②  态势语
③  思想
④  观点
【单选题】 本课提到,用一种融入、节制和创作的概念来要求所有的大学青年用客观或者辩证的方式看待互联网,和互联网对我们整个学习、生活和行为的影响,这属于()的要求。
①  网络人生观
②  网络教育观
③  网络价值观
④  网络文明观
【单选题】 ()是在当今全球化时代特别要反对的一种趋势。
①  世界主义
②  个人主义
③  民族主义
④  种族中心主义
【单选题】 根据本课,列宁主义产生于资本主义发展的()阶段。
①  自由资本主义
②  国家垄断资本主义
③  国际垄断资本主义
④  新自由主义