Features such as height, weight, and skin color ____ from individual to individual and fromface to face.
【单选题】 Which type does the following production practice belong to? The students repeat what the teacher says. This activity can practice individual sounds, individual words, groups of words, and sentences.
①  Listen and repeat
②  Fill in the blanks
③  Make up sentences
④  Using meaningful context
【判断题】 As an individual branch of linguistics, lexicology has nothing to do with other branches of linguistics.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Social [] vary greatly from country to country.
①  customs
②  habits
【单选题】 Individual lines of the poem were very beautiful, but I didn’t see how the lines fit together. To me, the poem wasnt _____.
①  inherent
②  coherent
③  logical
④  corporate
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[assumption; contact; cliff; equivalent; emergency; outweigh; height; rummage; vibration; bugbear]8. Her weight is about normal for her[填空1].
【单选题】 Her skin was dry after ____ to the wind during the trip.
①  failure
②  disclosure
③  exposure
④  pressure
【简答题】 Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[sharp; sustainable; soar; grim; release; bleak; initiative; insight; negative; alter]7. Millennium Development Goals isa UN[填空1]that aims to reduce socioeconomic problems by 2015.
【简答题】 Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[sharp; sustainable; soar; grim; release; bleak; initiative; insight; negative; alter]7. Millennium Development Goals isa UN[填空1]that aims to reduce socioeconomic problems by 2015.
【单选题】 Which of following can be said of the common features which are shared by the English and American Romanticists?
①  An increasing emphasis on the free expression of emotions.
②  An increasing attention to the psychic states of their characters.
③  An increasing emphasis on the desire to return to nature.
④  Both A and B.
【单选题】 The car salesman took the customer for a driver in the new model in order to ___ its improved features.
①  advocate
②  demonstrate
③  exhibit
④  reveal
【单选题】 外国人在我国领域外对我国国家或者公民犯罪,适用我国刑法,但必须是( )。
①  按照我国刑法规定最低刑为3年以上有期徒刑的
②  按照犯罪地法律应受处罚的
③  按照我国刑法规定最低刑为3年以上有期徒刑,并按照犯罪地法律应受处罚的
④  犯罪地国家未对其予以处罚的
【单选题】 犯罪的刑事违法性是指行为人的行为( )。
①  损害了国家利益
②  危害了社会
③  违反了刑法
④  触犯了法律
【单选题】 1998年12月29日全国人大常委会通过的《关于惩治骗购外汇、逃汇和非法买卖外汇犯罪的决定》属于下列哪种刑事法律?( )
①  刑法立法解释
②  单行刑法
③  刑法修正案
④  附属刑法
【单选题】 虽然某犯罪案件不是发生在中国领域,且该案犯罪人不是中国公民,被害人也不是中国国家或者中国公民,但中国对此案仍能行使刑事管辖权,是基于( )。
①  属地管辖原则
②  普遍管辖原则
③  保护管辖原则
④  属人管辖原则
【单选题】 关于罪刑法定原则及其内容,下列哪一选项是正确的?( )
①  罪刑法定原则禁止类推解释与扩张解释,但不禁止有利于被告人的类推解释
②  罪刑法定原则禁止司法机关进行类推解释,但不禁止立法机关进行类推解释
③  罪刑法定原则禁止适用不利于行为人的事后法,但不禁止适用有利于行为人的事后法
④  罪刑法定原则要求刑法规范的明确性,但排斥规范的构成要件要素
【单选题】 成立犯罪不可缺少的要素是( )。
①  犯罪行为
②  犯罪结果
③  犯罪目的
④  犯罪动机
【单选题】 甲男与乙女于某日中午公开在某公园内发生性关系,引起游客的极大愤慨,造成恶劣的社会影响。对甲、乙的行为应如何认定?( )
①  聚众淫乱罪
②  组织淫秽表演罪
③  寻衅滋事罪
④  无罪
【单选题】 当我国客轮停靠在美国纽约港时,德国人甲在轮船上窃取了我国公民乙价值4000元人民币的财物。对于本案确立我国刑法效力的依据是( )。
①  属人管辖
②  保护管辖
③  普遍管辖
④  属地管辖
【单选题】 根据解释的效力,可以把刑法解释分为( )。
①  立法解释、司法解释和学理解释
②  当然解释、文理解释和论理解释
③  当然解释、扩张解释和限制解释
④  文理解释、论理解释和学理解释
【单选题】 外国人在我国领域外对我国国家或者公民实施犯罪,我国有条件地依法对犯罪的外国人行使管辖权,其根据的原则是( )。
①  属地原则
②  属人原则
③  保护原则
④  普遍原则