On his next birthday he () married for ten years.
has been
will be
will have been
would have been
【判断题】 The population of beijing has been increased for ten years.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 He has been in china for three years.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I hope ___ the little ___ I have been able to do has been of some use.
①  that; that
②  /; by which?
③  what; what
④  /; with which
【单选题】 he park has been built and it will be open _____ three years
①  A. in
②  B.for
③  C.on
④  D.after
【判断题】 A: How have you been these years? B: Not too bad.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 He has been there, [填空]?
①  hasnt he
②  has he
③  does he
④  doesnt he
【单选题】 If the whole program __________ beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.
①  was not planned
②  were not planned
③  would not be planned
④  had not been planned
【单选题】 The prices of the agricultural products have been ____ steadily in the past few years.
①  risen
②  raised
③  arisen
④  aroused
【单选题】 He might have been killed ____ the timely arrival of the ambulance.
①  but for
②  except for
③  besides
④  except
【单选题】 He might have been killed _____the timely arrival of the ambulance.
①  but for
②  except for
③  besides
④  except
【单选题】 ()是中国特色社会主义的本质要求。
①  A.协调
②  B.开放
③  C.共享
④  D.创新
【单选题】 坚持创新发展,要求构建构建以()为主体、()为导向的创新体系。
①  A.资源;政策
②  B.企业;市场
③  C.资源;市场
④  D.企业;政策
【单选题】 专业技术人员继续教育公需科目的内容不包括( )。
①  A.法律法规
②  B.专业知识
③  C.理论政策
④  D.职业道德
【单选题】 根据吕虹主任所讲,以下哪项不是国家治理体系和治理能力现代化中不可缺失的构成要素?
①  A.制度
②  B.生态
③  C.干部
④  D.能力
【单选题】 在全球人才指数报告的排名中,中国在2015年排名( )位。
①  A.30
②  B.31
③  C.32
④  D.33
【单选题】 关于利用大数据进行监管,下列表述不准确的是()。
①  A.建立统一综合的大数据平台
②  B.先对外开放,后对内开放
③  C.政府与社会协同挖掘
④  D.为精准监管提供决策支持
【单选题】 2452544
①  A.4524.0
②  B.4545445.0
【单选题】 截至2010年底,全国乡镇一级的专业技术人才共592.2万,占全国专业技术人才总数的( )。
①  A.8.3%
②  B.18.3%
③  C.28.3%
④  D.58.3%
【单选题】 外国留学生比直接引进的外籍人才更熟悉引进国国情,相对本土人才则节省了( )阶段的培养成本。
①  A.义务教育
②  B.高等教育
③  C.实习
④  D.培训
【单选题】 ()自2011年1月1日起施行。
①  A.《工伤认定办法》
②  B.《工伤保险条例》
③  C.《劳动法》
④  D.《职业病防治法》